About Our Later in Life Moms Group
Motherhood Later… Than Sooner (MLTS), founded by Robin Gorman Newman, is an international organization for women who became a mother at age 35 or older…and especially over 40 and 50. Our mission is to support, empower and connect later in life mothers through our website, blog, online communities for “later” moms (dads too!), and in-person events for midlife mothers and families. Later in life fathers are welcome to join as well. Our moms became parents through various means including pregnancy, IVF and other fertility treatments, adoption, fostering, guardianship, surrogacy and blending families. Motherhood after 40 is a unique experience, and we are here for you.
We started hosting later mom Zooms in April 2020, and it’s a wonderful way to connect virtually with later moms worldwide. To be placed on that email list, drop a note to robin@motherhoodlater.com.
Check out our video! https://youtu.be/7GB0XMJ1lRs