Aspiring Later in Life Moms

Moms group for women wanting to be a mom later in lifeDo you hope to become a mom one day?  Do you anticipate that might happen when you are over 35, or even over 40 or perhaps 50?  If so, please know that Motherhood Later is here for you.  If you’re wondering what the parenting experience is like, we’re happy to share.  Drop us a note, and we can connect you with later in life mothers who are in the throes of parenting, who would be glad to answer questions  We are not experts….just real women doing the best we can with our kids. We have members with a variety of experiences…infertility challenges, single motherhood by choice, divorced moms, those living the “sandwich generation,” adoptive parents, those raising an only child, those with special needs children, etc.

Write to, and put ASPIRING LATER IN LIFE MOM in the subject line.

If you’re looking for books on the subject, you might explore the following:

READY: Why Women Are Embracing the New Later Motherhood by Elizabeth Gregory;  Hot Flashes Warm Bottles: First Time Mothers Over 40 by Nancy London;  Pregnancy Over 40 by Kelley D. Smith; Your Pregnancy After 35 by Glade B. Curtis