Join Motherhood Later… Than Sooner Older Moms Group

Did you become a midlife mom at 35+ whether for the first time or again?  Join an in-person chapter, or help launch one in your town. Membership is free. Connect with later moms online on Facebook .  Dads are welcome to join us as well!  We have many 40+ mothers  and 50+ mothers and fathers in our organization.

Each chapter plans their own events, and there is a wide array of activities….including moms night outs, moms lunches, mommy & me get together, etc., etc.  And, chapter heads strongly encourage the participation of chapter members to suggest and host events.  Giving birth to a baby or adopting, fostering a child or pursuing surrogacy — however you take on the role of parent — can be challenging, and we are here for you.

If you have interest in joining an existing chapter, drop a note to, put MEMBERSHIP in the Subject line, and indicate where you live.  We’ll get back to you with contact information for the chapter of interest. Please note that each chapter operates autonomously, and Motherhood Later defers to the judgment of chapter heads.

If you would like to launch a chapter in your town, we’d love to hear from you as well.

We are presently hosting a  Zoom to support and connect later moms.  To join, drop a note to

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