Start a Chapter of Our Later in Life Moms Group

Midlife Moms Group - Start a MLTS Chapter6 Good Reasons Why You Should Start a Chapter:

1. You’ll get to bring together other later in life moms like you for networking, support, community and fun.
2. You’ll be able to shape the type of chapter that best suits the needs of 35+ moms in your area.
3. You’ll get to be the spokesperson for your later in life mothers group and will have the opportunity to speak with the media in your area and even nationally.
4. You’ll have the satisfaction of building community and supporting women in your area.
5. You’ll be part of a worldwide network of women like you so you have contacts and connections throughout the world.
6. You’ll share in the growth of the organization and get extra perks that make the effort you put in worthwhile.

How to Launch a Chapter

We would feature you on the Chapter Leaders page of and promote you as the chapter head on Facebook. We recommend that chapter heads ideally plan one event per month, if possible…and certainly more is welcome.  Whatever activity you like. Moms only. Moms and kids.  Families.   Doesn’t have to be overly involved.  If you like, we can create a Facebook group specifically for your chapter.

Another way to further attract members to your later in life moms chapter is to post flyers (which we can provide) around your area on bulletin boards and submit free calendar listings to local parenting publications (if any), weekly papers, and any local parenting websites that feature stuff to do.  We also recommend that as people express interest, you recruit others to organize events…so it becomes a team effort. Let us know what more we can tell you and if you’d like to join our chapter head community!

There is no fee to become a chapter head and launch a group.

Email us if you’d like to come on board at and put START A CHAPTER in the subject line.  Let us know why you’d like to launch one, the age of your child/children, your age, where you live, what other sites/organizations/moms groups you belong to (if any), and anything else relevant you’d like to share.  We hope that moms who join our team will feel a sense of commitment, and get excited about bringing moms together, making new friends, supporting the mission of Motherhood Later, etc.

Click here to view a list of our current chapters.