“One Word That Will Change Your Life” – Book Review by Cara Potapshyn Meyers



Dan Britton, Jimmy Page and Jon Gordon

This book is cool. This book is really cool. This book is so cool, you can read it in forty-four minutes (at least that’s what the authors tell us…I didn’t actually count the time)!

This book came at a perfect time of year. The ushering in of the New Year typically brings with it promises and resolutions. Many of which are fleeting, at best. In fact, out of all of the adults that make resolutions each New Year, a study found that 88% will fail by the end of the year, while 50% fail after just one month! Those are daunting odds for anyone hoping to stick to a resolution this year. In fact, the authors of One Word indicate that, “While these resolutions are meant to be good and well-intentioned solutions, unfortunately they are built on a flawed foundation of more effort, willpower, and goal setting. Success is measured by what we accomplish instead of who we become.” I decided I did not want to end up being a statistic.

In my continued attempt to aspire to my New Year’s resolution of a “progressive lifestyle overhaul” (which has now morphed into a single “Word”, as I shall describe), I was asked to review One Word, a book that could drastically alter my life with one simple word. I reacted like a kid sitting in the front row with her arm waving, thinking, “Pick me! Pick me!” I was “chosen,” in more than one respect, once I had this book in my hands.

The authors of One Word have you go through a process describing how to find “one word” which can make a huge impact in your life. They say, “…we’ve found that when you find your word, it will change the way you think, the words you speak, the attitudes of your heart, your relationships, and even your actions.” That’s pretty powerful for a single word! I was ready to try it. As the book illustrates, the “one word” concept works it’s way into and transforms six prime areas of your life: Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Relational, Mental and Financial. Bingo! There was my own resolution in a nutshell! But could I find only one word to encompass all of the above for myself?

As many of you are aware, I decided that I needed a full life overhaul and came up with a mouthful of a resolution: “Progressive Lifestyle Overhaul.” I would presume, as I began reading, One Word, that the authors would have told me that I was on the right track, but my goal was too wordy. So wordy that I would have to think twice before explaining it to others.

Once I began reading One Word, I was guided towards how to chose a word – one single word – as my goal or “resolution.” Even better, there wasn’t any pressure finding the “right word.” The essence of the book lies with the desire to make a change. Finding the right “word” to guide you towards making that change, and using that word as a constant reminder, focuses on helping your desire for change to morph into reality and actually “internalize” that change. I was on the right track when I chose the word “progressive” in my resolution. I wasn’t looking for immediate results. I knew I was in this for an undetermined length of time. The authors would agree, “The process takes a little time, but the results are worth it: unstoppable life change.” Just what I was looking for! Progressive change for the long run. I was not looking for a “quick fix.”

The second word of my resolution is “lifestyle.” There are many aspects of my life that need much more than a tweak. And there are too many areas to even keep track of that are in need of help. That’s where “lifestyle” came in. I wanted to make gradual changes to my lifestyle in any way, shape or form. One Word details how the “Six Dimensions” of change would ultimately produce a transformation. Through the process of discovering my “Word,” I would be able to maintain my desire for overall change in these primary areas, yet whittle it down into finding the one perfect word to suit me individually. All to aid in helping my personal “lifestyle” change I desired.

It is an understatement to even joke that the word “overhaul” is simply “too much!” When it comes to change, the word “overhaul” alone should have an equal sign next to it with the word “failure!” In my mind, though, I needed an “overhaul.” This is one reason I tempered my resolution by including, “progressive” in the beginning. I wasn’t going to allow myself to “fail.” I felt that by adding “progressive” into the mix, this gave me the “excuse” to slide back occasionally, but then scuffle to my feet and keep moving ahead. The authors did me a huge favor. They placed One Word in my hands instead. Or, more accurately, the authors would correct me and say that God put this book in my hands. Let me explain.

There is an element of spirituality to this book. A whole ity bity chapter is designated to assist you in utilizing God and prayer in playing an important role in finding your own “Word.” Don’t let this put you off. It doesn’t matter what religion you practice or what prayers you use. It truly doesn’t even matter whether you believe in God at all. If you believe in a “Higher Power” of your choosing, this book is still golden. In reality, we all have to look both within ourselves and then outwards to ultimately realize our true potential, when seeking our goals and changes. I happen to believe in God and I do pray. I also felt that it was a little more than ironic that this book fell into my lap at this crucial time in my life. So, call it what you will. Karma. Bashert (Yiddish for “meant to be”). A blessing. The plain truth is that I needed this book. And I needed it now. That’s all it boils down to. And this book is excellent!

Now, how did I come to find my “One Word,” and what the heck is it?

I began meditating on the first day of the year to a meditation CD that was recommended to me. Unlike most meditation CDs, this one referred to God and uses prayer to “release” unwanted thoughts while “receiving” guidance from God. I received the One Word book about a week and a half into my daily meditation. I used this time to “reflect” on my “Word.” Over and over, the word “rejuvenation” kept coming to me. When I looked up the definition in the dictionary, it was very close to what I felt was similar to a “progressive lifestyle overhaul,” but didn’t exactly match it. I meditated some more. I mulled it over as I fell asleep. I thought about it sitting in my car at stop lights. About a week later, as I was meditating, the word, “revive” popped into my head. Rejuvenate? Revive? I looked up the definition of revive: to activate, set in motion, take up again, renew, to bring back, make valid again, to reanimate, quicken, bring back into notice, to restore to life.

To restore to life.” That is exactly what I needed! I need to renew myself, bring back the old “me!” I need to become more active, be set into motion, get noticed! I need to feel validated again, feel reanimated, feel alive again! “Revive.” I found my “word.” Now I am ready to live it!

I would love for all of our readers to find their own “Word.” This book includes tips to help readers discover their “One Word” and examples of individuals, companies and teams that have successfully applied the One Word concept in their lives. Readers will learn how to:

  • Develop simplicity in their world
  • Have focus and purpose in their business and in life
  • Have clarity and passion
  • Experience dramatic life changes and success
  • Develop a discipline for life

One Word that will Change Your Life inspires clarity, power, passion and life-change in readers. Through personal anecdotes, examples and advice the authors explain that there is a word meant for everyone. When each person finds their word, they are encouraged to live it and share it and soon they will find that their lives have become more rewarding and exciting than ever.

What else can you think of that can transform your entire life in only 44 minutes? 

One Word can be found at major booksellers and at http://www.amazon.com

Hardcover & ebook retail price: $16.95

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  1. 4 Responses to ““One Word That Will Change Your Life” – Book Review by Cara Potapshyn Meyers”

  2. As one of the authors, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this blog! I loved how you took us through your own discovery process and revealed your One Word!! Revive!! I know it will be a transformational year!!

    Jimmy Page

    By Jimmy Page on Jan 20, 2013

  3. My goodness! Thank you, Mr. Page! Your comment is sincerely appreciated! I am continuing on focus on my goal of reviving! Thank you for this terrific book and for your feedback!

    By Cara Potapshyn Meyers on Jan 22, 2013

  4. Wonderful blog! Looking forward to reading the book and finding my own WORD….even though you took mine lol!

    By Laura Trent on Jan 22, 2013

  5. We can share…lol!

    By Cara Potapshyn Meyers on Jan 23, 2013