Archive for December, 2007

Fibroid Field Day

My estrogen is raging....and so am I. I want to start a campaign to STAMP OUT FIBROIDS. What is the deal with them?I'm 47...on the verge of perimenopause, and not liking it. My estrogen is at an all time high, and my fibroids are having ...

Ho Ho Ho Holiday Birthdays

As soon as that calendar turned December 1, I felt it in my bones creaking up my neck and all the way down into my toes. Oh the stress. All the shopping, searching for perfect gifts, schlepping, wrapping, baking, cooking and every toy needs batteries!!! ...Oh my God. ...

The Whites of Seth’s Eyes

Over the summer, due to all the swimming in our community pool, Seth's eyes often got irritated due to the chlorine. Since then he's been fine, until yesterday.Sunday morning, he awoke with two red eyes. Out of the blue. We quickly called the doctor....getting a doctor on ...

Eight Nights of Hanukkah…and Gifts?

Hanukkah starts officially tonight, but in Seth's head it began weeks ago. They have had discussions in his Pre-K class about the upcoming holidays, and he's fixated on them. This is the first year that he has such an acute awareness that it's almost overwhelming.He is asking questions ...