Archive for January, 2008

Where There’s a Will

It's not something I like to think about or talk about. And, I don't embrace writing about it. But, I wanted to share with you a couple of discussions that recently came up with mom friends, both of whom are 40 something, like myself.We were out to dinner ...

Me….a Granny??

I never thought it would happen to me, but it did. I've heard others speak of it, but I figured I would never fit the bill, especially at this time in my life.I was wrong.Yesterday I was at our neighborhood diner with my husband, a friend and her two ...

Sick Days

Seth's pre-K called yesterday. I know whenever the phone rings, and it's the school nurse, that it's not good news. Seth had a 101 fever she said, and was very uncomfortable. I had to come pick him up right away.I have to admit...I lost it at that ...

Mommy dates

With three kids, I make a point every now and then to carve out special “mommy-only” time separately with each child, like a little emotional litmus test to see how everyone’s doing. It helps them be heard over the din of noise through family dinners homework and rushing here and ...

Mind Games

If I don't write this blog post now, I may forget what I wanted to write about.Just kidding......but really I'm serious. My memory isn't what it used to be, and apparently I'm not alone. In the new course catalog I received this week from the Open Center in ...

Camp Confusion

We are in the midst of winter here in New York, yet we're shopping around for summer camp for Seth. It's hard to even think that far ahead when I'm trekking around in my winter coat. Why do these camps book up so early? Is it that we ...

The Scoop on San Antonio

I promised I'd blog more on San Antonio, since a bunch of moms have expressed curiousity about it as a family travel destination, so here goes. Let me start by saying I would highly recommend it.From what I hear, places like Orlando get super crowded, especially during school breaks. ...

Real R&R

We returned Monday from vacation in San Antonio. How great...and exhausting it was to get away.I really needed a break from home, but travel with a four year old isn't the easiest. We wound up changing hotels after the first night, since the bed was too hard for ...