Archive for April, 2009

Guest Post — By Terry Starr

Odd Oldie OutBeing the oldest mom in pre-school could at times feel a little like "odd oldie out" and only got tougher entering kindergarten/elementary. This was not something I realized at the time, but there were definitely some pre-conceived notions. Couple this with the fact that I worked full-time and ...

Vermont Vacation

We just got back last night from our Vermont vacation, and had both a lovely and tiring time.It was the longest car ride we have taken with Seth, and while at times he grew restless, for the most part, he was surprisingly pretty tolerant. Of course, we made many a ...


In ample time for Mother's Day, I am excited to announce that has launched a Shop featuring cool, exclusive stuff for 35+ moms and others. I’d like to personally invite you to check it out, and tell friends and family. Proceeds going toward helping support the efforts of ...

School Break Crunch

Today was so sweet.I went to Seth's Kindergarten class and read two books to the students. Seth was totally excited to have me there. He sat on my lap while I read and helped turn the pages of the books. I chose one book re: conserving energy, in ...

Gal Pals Day Out

Had such a fun and relaxing day yesterday....just have to share.A friend of mine bought a new house in the country, and she was excited to have me come visit. So, she, I and a mutual friend of ours, drove upstate after Seth left for school, and we spent ...