Archive for April, 2010

Worry — by Liimu

It sometimes seems no matter what I do, no matter how many post-its or To Do lists or Outlook reminders I have set up for myself to stay on top of the things in my life, lately I have still been waking up at 1 or 2 in the morning ...

GUEST BLOG POST: Raising a Sensory Smart Child – by Nancy Peske, author

There's something up with a child you know. He's clumsy, picky, always on the move, or flopped in a chair like a wet noodle. He's impulsive, intense, and quirky. Maybe he has a learning disability, ADHD, or autism, or maybe not, but his behavior and responses to everyday sensations are ...

Spring Break Vacation — by Robin

I survived. And, more than that, we thrived. If you read my earlier blog, you may recall that it was with trepeditation, yet hopefulness, that I traveled for the first time alone with my son. Marc, my husband, couldn't get away due to tax season.We went to ...

GUEST BLOG POST: Friendship — by Jeffrey Zaslow, author, The Girls From Ames

The research is clear: At around age 40, women start working harder to rediscover old friends -- and to make new ones. It’s as if a voice in their heads starts whispering: “You need women in your life!”I learned this while spending two years immersed in the friendship of 10 ...

The Loss of "Fishy" — by Cara

Fishy died today. He had been struggling off and on for a few months with a disease we just couldn’t seem to pinpoint. Now he is gone, and I am the one feeling the loss.My son got Fishy, a blue Betta fish, as a birthday party favor (don’t ask...that’s ...

Keep "Em Close — by Laura

The advice one receives as a new mother is inexhaustible, and I received my fair share the first six months. But I have a hard and fast rule about taking advice – I only take it from the people who make me ask for it, and I only ask for ...

Bed Hopping — by Jamie

For the most part, my almost-three-year-old daughter, Jayda, and I co-sleep every night—and we’ve done so ever since she was born. My daughter hates to sleep (even as a baby, she barely napped, and fought the urge to sleep with all her might), and no matter where she is, she ...

The Athlete Within — by Liimu

Most of us, during the late pregnancy and early parenthood, voraciously search for all the information we can find about the ways in which becoming a mother will change our lives. Friends and family members share their memories of sleepless nights and mornings spent scrounging through the closets looking for ...

Dear Motherhood Later — by Robin

I receive quite a number of letters from Later Moms who hear about and reach out to me via email. I have decided to periodically share select letters, with the permission of the moms. Some truly touch my heart, and I feel might resonate with others who became a ...

Egg Hunt — by Gina

This past weekend I took my 6 year old niece and 3 year old daughter to an Easter event at our local children’s museum. The week prior my sister and I had been preparing by gathering up the requisite egg cartons (paper, not plastic or Styrofoam) for the Easter ...