Archive for May, 2010

When It Pays to Kvetch – by Jamie

“Kvetch” comes from the Yiddish word kvetshn, which means, literally, to squeeze, or press. When spoken in English, it can be used as a verb: “To complain persistently and whiningly,” or as a noun: “A chronic, whining complainer.” We use it both ways in my house: “Jayda! Stop kvetching!” and ...

Memorial Day (ode to my marriage) – by Cyma

Memorial Day usually means parades and barbeques, a chance to have ‘family time,’ the beginning of summer. On this weekend 14 years ago, I got married – a lifetime ago if we count all the experiences, life changes and myriad of adjustments that have taken place. During that time, I ...

GUEST BLOG POST: Organizing Kids – by Ana Homayoun, author, That Crumpled Paper Was Due Last Week: Helping Disorganized and Distracted Boys Succeed…

Last week, after a book signing for my recently released book “That Crumpled Paper Was Due Last Week: Helping Disorganized and Distracted Boys Succeed in School and Life,” a mother approached me to lament about how even though she thought that she had tried everything her son was on the ...

Organization – by Robin

I couldn't believe my eyes.  I had to choke back tears...happy tears.  Tears of shock and disbelief. This past weekend, Seth took it upon himself to organize his room. This was a first.  A BIG one. And, it came with no prompting whatsoever from me or his father.Out of nowhere, he proudly ...

Birthday Flow by Liimu

I forgot it was Thursday. So much has happened since I last posted - first and foremost, I TURNED 40!!! So, perhaps as your gift to me, you can cut me a little slack on the post-birthday post. :)I had a wonderful day on my birthday, which was Saturday. ...

I’m Gonna Get Away – by Cara

May 28, 2010. Memorial Day Weekend. My fifteenth wedding anniversary. And I’m going away.This used to be the most exciting day and weekend of my life! For years after I got married, I would chidingly say to my husband, “Let’s get married this weekend!” even though we already were. I ...

The Argument by Laura

Yesterday I participated in a new talk show that’s coming to CBS. They have a segment called “Viewer vs. Viewer,” and as a mother who gave birth at the age of 44, I was pitted against a woman in California named Diane who believed it was selfish, risky, ...

Adorable…and Devious?–by Jamie

My daughter is really beautiful—and she’s quite smart, too. With her blonde, bouncy curls and her long-lashed blue eyes, she generally gets people’s attention—and is clever enough to know how to use her good looks and charm to her advantage. And she’s only three years old! For example, there’s a ...

The Consignment Sale – by Cyma

Last weekend, my husband and I spent two days preparing items to take to my old neighbor’s bi-annual consignment sale. This is not your usual consignment sale; this is the mother of consignment sales. My neighbor prepares for months, delegating tasks, advertising and marketing this well-known event. We prepare for ...

GUEST BLOG POST: Secrets of a Jewish Mother – by Jill Zarin, Lisa Wexler and Gloria Kamen

Don’t Take the Credit; Don’t Take the Blame (Chapter 9, Parenting) (From Secrets of a Jewish Mother by Jill Zarin, Lisa Wexler, and Gloria Kamen. Reprinted by arrangement with Dutton, a member of Penguin Group (USA), Inc. Copyright (c) 2010.) Our society blames parents for their children’s transgressions and ...