Archive for September, 2010

The Best Intentions — By Laura Houston

Something happens to a husband the very day he becomes a father. He makes the horrible mistake of trying to be more thoughtful. Whereas this may sound like a noble thing, it only causes more work for the new mother. I know. This very transition happened to my ...

Just Imagine…One Big, Happy Family — by Jamie Levine

My daughter, Jayda, adore babies. As soon as she sees a stroller glide into the playground, she immediately stops whatever she’s doing and races over to say “hi.” I’ve trained her to only touch the feet of a baby whom we don’t know, but sometimes Jayda can’t help herself, and ...

CYMA SHAPIRO CHATS with Rallie McAllister, co-author of The Mommy MD Guides to Pregnancy and Birth

Q: What compelled you to write this book?The idea for The Mommy MD Guides to Pregnancy and Birth came from my co-author, Jennifer Bright Reich, a mother with two young sons. In her career as a writer, Jennifer has interviewed hundreds of doctors. She was especially intrigued whenever a woman ...

GUEST BLOG POST: Halfway to Each Other: How a Year in Italy Brought Our Family Together by Susan Pohlman

Like many couples, my husband, Tim, and I could not wait to have children. Though it was not something we rushed into, we were not prepared to navigate the uneven terrain of the emotional landscape of family life. Following every cultural norm as our guide, we found the perfect house, ...

My Travels by Robin Gorman Newman

For those who read this blog and know that my family did a bit of traveling in August, this is the long-awaited sharing of that experience.  Now that my son is settling into school, this being his first full week (second grade), I can turn my attention more fully to some ...

And Then There Was…The 2nd Trimester…by Liimu

Ahhh...the 2nd trimester! Cue Disney music...After more than two months of feeling like I should be living in a dark cave, with my husband throwing food outside the entrance for me to slither out and devour every 90 minutes, I finally feel like a human being once more. I wish ...

On Celebrating Holidays – by Cara

I was quite saddened during this past Jewish holiday called Rosh Hashanah. And I anticipate many sad holidays to come. At least for a while.I am not Jewish. My husband is. Before we got married, by husband requested that we raise our children in the Jewish faith. Not comfortable at ...

No More Flippin’ Cursing — by Laura Houston

It’s time to stop cursing. The pediatrician told me at our appointment on Friday that the twins are on the cusp of language where they will soon start drinking in every word and repeating it loudly. And often. Over and over. Dang it! I do enjoy a good ...

Wedding Chatter — by Jamie Levine

Ever since Jayda watched a Strawberry Shortcake DVD several months ago, in which Strawberry and her friends re-enacted the Cinderella story, Jayda has been fixated on the event which “Strawberella” referred to as a “fancy dress ball.” Sometimes, after dinner, Jayda will suddenly turn her attention away from the TV ...

Back to School Again by Cyma

For some reason, going back to school-time this year has been less angst-filled than I anticipated; in fact, it appears to be lessening each year. And, while the exuberant joy and pride I once felt for this exciting new phase of my life is nearly gone, it’s being replaced by ...