Archive for March, 2011

Delicate Balance…by Liimu

Why does it seem so hard to strike a balance of motherhood, work, exercise and time for myself? Since Max came along, I feel most days like all I want to do is snuggle him. Then there are other days where I have a burst of energy and I want ...

Children’s Etiquette – By Cara Potapshyn Meyers

My son is truly a good kid, inside and out. He has demonstrated these admirable qualities over his toddler, preschool and now elementary school years. However, I have been noticing that since the social mores of the school environment are slowly seeping into my son’s world, so are some less ...

Raising Kids in NYC Part Two — By Laura Houston

Last week I talked about the things that make Manhattan a great place to raise children. This week I want to talk about the things I find difficult for both children and parents. These points are based solely on what I believe to be good for kids. My ...

Dental Cares and Caries—by Jamie Levine

Good teeth are very important to me; I’d never date a guy who didn’t have a nice smile, and I’ve been blessed, myself, with a strong, healthy set of choppers. My dorky dentist effusively compliments me on my teeth and makes me feel like a supermodel when I come in ...


The world famous Popovich Comedy Pet Theater is a family-oriented blend of the unique physical comedy, juggling, and balancing skills of internationally acclaimed award winner Gregory Popovich, and the extraordinary talents of his 30 performing pets. The show features 15 cats and 15 dogs, mice, and birds, all rescued from animal ...

GUEST BLOG POST: 86400 – Mothering on Purpose by Lavaille Lavette

Because you entered the sorority of motherhood later than most, you probably thought you understood how having a child would change your life. Yet whatever preconceived notions you had probably did not encompass all the alterations to your lifestyle that came with the arrival of your bundle of joy.My “bundle” ...

The New Car by Sharon O’Donnell

We have a new car in the family. Well, a used car, but it’s new to us. Our soon-to-be 17-year-old son, David, recently got his driver’s license after waiting four months past the time he was eligible to do so. He’s a junior in high school and plays ...

Discovering Fun by Robin Gorman Newman

Who knew?!Seth had half a day from school due to parent teacher meetings, and I wasn't quite sure what to do with him.  Other than our typical routine of snack, downtime, homework, bath, etc., we had many more hours to fill together.I decided I was going to take him to ...

He’s Finally Here! by Liimu

Max Christian McGill was born on Monday, March 14 at 9:40 am, weighing in at 8 lbs 15 ounces and measuring 21.5 inches long. We were kept in the hospital until Friday, March 18, due to some jaundice issues, but now we are home and recovering nicely.I know I probably ...

Money Matters – By Cara Potapshyn Meyers

It’s hard for children to grasp the concept that money has value. But once children are able to grasp the concept (like my 7 year old son does), you then have to help them to understand the next concept: Delayed gratification. The first concept is easy once children have their math skills ...