Archive for April, 2011

I Have Become A Tortoise by Maureen Eich VanWalleghan

So it’s official. I have been rejected from nine film festivals. I am getting tougher. To be fair my film as been slightly in flux. The final cut of the film happened for me in January. All the submissions were in a couple different versions in connection to music and ...


Wildly popular around the world, Blue Man Group defies simple description. A musical feast? Yes. A roller coaster of comedy? Absolutely. A stunning mix of technology and raw imagination? You bet. It’s all that and so much more. This explosion of color, humor, music, and technology comes to life every ...

GUEST BLOG POST: It’s Not a Secret Anymore by Adam Pertman

Book Excerpt from Adoption Nation -- Chapter I (“Out of the Shadows, into Our Lives) of Part I (“Don’t Whisper, Don’t Lie—It’s Not a Secret Anymore”)My son was three years old and my daughter had lived on this Earth for just two months when I met Sheila Hansen. She’s a ...

What’s the alternative? By Liimu

I know a woman who is raising nine kids by herself. They are all seemingly well-behaved, happy and active. And I wonder how she does it. I have four now, and although I know that with the newborn this is probably the hardest it will ever be, but there's ...

When Fantasy Explodes into Reality – by Cara Potapshyn Meyers

I woke up to the sound of my son sobbing twice over the past couple weeks. The second time I cried myself for a few minutes before I went in to console him. I already knew the reason why.A couple weeks ago, my son lost a tooth completely without ...

Toddler Vocabulary Translations — by Laura Houston

I don’t understand why some words resonate with toddlers. Like washing machine. I’ve never thought about it, but that’s a fun thing to say. It really gets the mouth muscles moving and there’s a lot of air in it. Here are some of the things the boys ...

From a Child’s Eyes—by Jamie Levine

The other afternoon, I took Jayda on a bike ride and, along the way, she stopped and asked me if she could pick some flowers; the flowers to which she was referring were the dandelions strewn across a neighbor’s front yard. I told her she could pick as many of ...

Cyma Shapiro Chats with Children’s Author Pam Brooks-Crump

Q: As a midlife mother, yourself, the conception of your new children's book, "Mia Inspired," came to you during a recent inspirational moment. Explain what that moment was and why Mia is represented as a Monarch Butterfly.A: It was two years ago when I began in earnest to ask within, ...

I Wish I Was An Earth-friendly Mom by Maureen Eich VanWalleghan

I have always revered the earth, which over the years became a conscious decision to make good choices for the environment. When I lived in New York City, I composted, recycled and bought food with very little packaging. I was also single and lived alone. I always felt good that ...

GUEST BLOG POST: Personally Crafting Creative Bedtime Stories for Your Child by M.J. Rusaw

Child-rearing is challenging. Crafting creative bedtime stories for your child is a rewarding way for both you and them to overcome some of those challenges.There are many advantages to writing and telling bedtime stories. Bedtime stories have happy endings, bring joy, and prepare children for sleep. Importantly, bedtime stories allow ...