Archive for December, 2011

ROBIN’S PICKS AND GIVEAWAYS: Snack Good, Smell Good, Play Good

Periodically when I stumble on something cool/new, I like to share. So, check out the following:BRAD'S RAW LEAFY KALE When you take a stroll down the chip and pretzel aisle at your local supermarket, you might think you are making a healthier choice by choosing baked chips, but cooked chips ...

Dear Sugar…by Liimu

I think I've figured out why my weight loss has been so slow going. I'm enmeshed in a toxic relationship that is undermining all my best efforts. No, it's not with my husband, or my trainer, or anyone from my family of origin.It's with sugar.Sugar and I have had an ...

Twas the Night Before Christmas – by Cara Potapshyn Meyers

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house,Not a creature was stirring, Except for myself.My child was sleeping, all snug in his bed.While visions of Nintendo games, flew through his head.Only I heard the sound of reindeer hooves clatter,Which made me sigh, "Now what's the matter?"With ribbon and gift wrap still clutched ...

Santa Was Here — by Margaret Hart

Santa definitely made it to our house this Christmas, and thank goodness my son was on the jolly old man's "nice" list.  On Christmas morning, most of the items on the Christmas list were under the tree, with a few exceptions.  Santa had taken a bite out of one of ...

The Grass Is Always Greener…—by Jamie Levine

My daughter and I are Jewish, and have been celebrating Hanukkah together since last Tuesday night; Jayda loves getting eight presents—one on each night—but I think she still has a little Christmas envy. Kids at her school constantly talk about Santa, and she loves driving around our neighborhood and looking ...

Launch A Business, Launch Yourself…BOOK REVIEW by Maureen VanWalleghan

This morning I kept thinking about the perfect gift and considering this book review. What could I write in cacophony of the Christmas season and the run up to this day? How to describe an excellent book and why one should buy it? Frankly, I have been stuck, but this ...

Late Christmas cards and playing Santa by Sharon O’Donnell

I missed my deadline earlier on Saturday because I was in the midst of trying to get our Christmas card photo done so that by the time we send them out, they will only be three days late instead of four. Such is life. It's so difficult to get ...

Sleepover by Robin Gorman Newman

My son had his first sleepover at a friend's house.  While he embraced it, I got a quick dose of empty nest syndrome, and it caught me by surprise.I didn't think that one night away would inspire such introspective thinking, but it did.I've long joked about Seth being 8 going ...

Staying Healthy and Sane Through the Holidays…by Liimu

Crazy, crazy week.Saturday night, my children had a Christmas concert for which they've been preparing all year. Sunday, they had their church play and Sunday afternoon, a surprise 40th birthday party for a dear old friend of mine (an hour away from our house).Needless to say, there was quite a ...

Cara’s Holiday Stress Relievers – by Cara Potapshyn Meyers

Dream WaterDream Water is the first all natural sleep enhancer. It is perfect for Motherhood Later...Than Sooner readers, especially during the holiday season. Just in time for holiday travel! With everyone running around getting ready to celebrate, we could all use good nights of sleep!Dream Water helps you relax and ...