Archive for February, 2012

A Winter Drought – by Margaret Hart

According to the weather forecasters, we're experiencing a winter drought in New England. This is a first in my recent memory.  And I, for one, am not upset about it. I don't miss the snow, sleet, ice, and piles of frozen dirt all over the roadways and parking lots (not ...

A Balancing Act—by Jamie Levine

The other day, I observed some children playing Jenga, and watched them for awhile, completely mesmerized. If you’re unfamiliar with Jenga, it’s a stacking game. Each player takes a wooden block and piles it on top of the others to build a tower; the goal is to keep the overloaded ...

ROBIN’S SHOW REVIEW and RECOMMENDATION: playtime! Creative Childcare; Assistance off bway

Are you a theatre lover who longs for a moms night out or a date night, and securing competent childcare is pricey or challenging to find?  Enter playtime!  I just learned of this new, cool NYC service, and while I have yet to take advantage of it, it's on my ...

I Am Just Plain Tired by Leta Hamilton

How to beat the too-tired blues.......Listening to the radio this morning, the woman being interviewed said that we think, on average, around 68,000 thoughts per day and that over 80% of those thoughts were negative. For a mom, my guess is that half of those thoughts center one theme: I’m ...

Expressing the Inexpressible by Sharon O’Donnell

A few days after the death of Elvis Presley, my good friend Tina and I went to an Elvis movie marathon at a local theater. It was 1977, and we had recently junior high, a rough span in which our childhood friendship had suffered somewhat as we both spread our ...


The New Victory Theater PresentsWorld Stage Productions and Broadway Asia International LLCBRAZIL! BRAZIL!U.S. Premiere From Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, comes Brazil! Brazil!, a show that blends the rhythms of Rio Carnaval with capoeira, acrobatics, live samba and soccer-inspired street dance to celebrate the country’s history, culture, and indomitable spirit if ...

Time to Get Moving…by Liimu

Better late than never, I suppose. With four kids you'd think I would have no trouble staying active. Fact is, I am so exhausted most of the time, it is easy to convince myself to forego the gym. I can no longer deny it, though. I have to get moving. ...

Aubrey Organics Hair Care – Review by Cara Potapshyn Meyers

Winter can really affect your hair negatively. Dry weather, hair treatments and work outs in indoor pools, can definitely cause hair to become dry, damaged, and even color-faded. Luckily, with Aubrey Organics Hair Care, they have something for every hair type!I was given the opportunity to try two Aubrey Hair Products: ...

I Heart Valentine’s Day by Margaret Hart

I have always loved Valentine's Day.  Growing up, I thought it was "my" day because my last name was "Hart."   Didn't matter that my name wasn't spelled with an "e."  It was my day.   I always loved anything in the shape of a heart, and accumulated quite a ...

Don’t Spoil Everything—by Jamie Levine

The other night, my daughter, Jayda got mad at me because, after several warnings, I announced that it was her bedtime and she couldn’t stay up and play any longer. She ranted: “I’m angry! You’re not nice to me!” I responded, “Really? I think I do a lot of nice ...