Archive for August, 2013

September Giveaway: Noodle & Boo Gift Set

To enter, sign up (in the box at the top of this page) for our Baby Bloomer eZine by September 30th at midnight EST, if you don’t currently receive it. All subscribers are eligible. One lucky winner will be chosen at random the last day of the month and notified ...

She Doesn’t Need Me To Push Her Anymore by Peggy Bogaard-Lapp

My daughter is ten. Yesterday she was five. Last week she popped out of my body, beautiful and perfect and quiet. My heart hurts knowing that tomorrow she will be leaving me to go out into the world, without me, and live. This thought rolls around in my head, over ...


 Your kid spends an afternoon with no iPad, iPod, Wii, or TV... and actually ENJOYS it!  Every parent's dream can now be a reality... well, for one day, at least. That was my pleasant surprise as my 7-year old daughter, Gianna, and I journeyed into Manhattan to New World Stages to ...

GUEST BLOG POST: How to Talk with Your Kids About Ethics by Michael Parker

[caption id="attachment_14089" align="alignleft" width="199" caption="Photo credit: Petri Kurkaa"][/caption]THE VALUE OF DISCUSSION Ethics and values should be spoken about regularly in homes. Every time your child comes home with an example of something “unfair” that happened at school, this is an opportunity to speak about ethics. When an issue comes up on ...

DVD Review and NEW! YouTube Channels! – by Cara Potapshyn Meyers

     The Sweeter Side of Life and Meddling Mom  Double Feature DVD Indulge in two delightfully romantic comedies when the all-new original movies, The Sweeter Side Of Life and Meddling Mom arrive packaged together on DVD from Gaiam Vivendi Entertainment, Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movie Channel. From an interfering mother whose love for her daughters is limitless, ...

When the Kids Love Preschool More Than You by Melissa Swedoski

Monday was the official start of school here in Texas. Since the babysitter we had employed was returning to college, we made the big decision to send the girls to preschool. Well, sort of. After looking at several "institutional" sites and several "in-home" places, we opted to go with an ...

SPIDER-MAN Turn Off The Dark – show review & special offer by Margaret Hart

When "SPIDER-MAN Turn Off The Dark" first opened for previews on Broadway in 2010, I wanted to get tickets, and not because I'm a big fan of the story, but because I'm a big fan of the group U2, and I knew that Bono and The Edge had created the music ...

A Brief Check-In By Jean Marie Keenan-Johnston

Hello ladies!  I just wanted to stop in and say hi.  I've spent the last few hours trying to get one or more of my wonderful ideas floating around my mind to start to take shape into an awesome blog entry.  But I've learned the hard way that my mind ...

Bloomin’ Mom – A Later Mom Shares: A Little Bit Pregnant By Robin Wallace

I thought I was done with the mommy stuff. Well, maybe not completely done. There was still a ten year old girl to navigate through the troubled waters of the tween and teen years, and a six year old boy who still sleeps every night curled up under my armpit, ...

Making the Transition from Middle to High School: How Parents Can Help – By Dr. Jose Villalba, Associate Professor of Counseling at Wake Forest University

Higher academic expectations and worries about connecting socially can make the transition from middle school to high school challenging. Parents can play an important role in helping young teens move smoothly into the more complex world of high school. Success or failure during the ninth grade year often sets the tone ...