Archive for November, 2015

Mom Theatre Blogger: A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Show Review by Jo Mispel

We made it to the beautiful old theater space that is the New Victory Theater on 42nd Street in Manhattan with just enough time to take hold of a kid’s booster seat. We were here to see the Isango Ensemble’s production of A Midsummer Night's Dream. My niece, who is ...

Gift Cards or Nothing: an Election Day tale by Pamela Francis

My 13-yr old recently told me who to vote for. I know it's "for whom to vote", but as I intimated in last Wednesday's blogpost, it's open season on grammar and usage in the English language, so... dangling participle it is. In any event, he told me that his friend's grandparents ...

BOOK EXCERPT: Geezer Dad by Tom LaMarr

GOOD NEWS BAD NEWS (excerpt from Chapter One of Geezer Dad) If it wasn’t the boldest decision anyone ever made, it was big for us. After years spent discussing, debating, and generally overthinking our options, we would stop trying to not have a baby. We would place our fate in nature’s ...

A Curve Ball Lobbed at Me from Left Field by Jean Marie Keenan-Johnston

Today has not gone as planned. Heck, life hasn't gone as planned for months and months at this point, so why should today be any different? (giggling to myself). I had an incredible idea for what I wanted to write about.  Writer's block has been an unwelcome friend these past ...

Mother/Son Tween Travel to London by Robin Gorman Newman

My son, Seth, 12, has developed a fascination with all things British.  I'm not quite sure where this ardent interest came from, but we used it as impetus to plan a family trip this past August.  My husband was unable to take the time off from work, so it became ...

Interview with Later Mom: Author Gail Sheehy by Robin Gorman Newman

Gail Sheehy, 77, is the author of seventeen books, including the classic New York Times bestseller Passages, named one of the ten most influential books of our times by the Library of Congress. A multiple award-winning literary journalist, she was one of the original contributors to New York magazine and has ...