Archive for April, 2020

Pandemic Reflections by Sharon O’Donnell

I really don't know where to begin. Who ever could have imagined we'd find ourselves in a situation like this back in January? Or even early February? My childhood best friend (and also still a best friend of mine now) flew from Tampa to see me and my family on ...

Secret Motivations of Teacher Moms: The real reason moms become educators by Pamela Francis

Gotta say, I’ve been getting quite the chuckle out of all the articles and blog posts from beleaguered, pinch-hitter homeschoolers in the wake of the Corona-mandated shut down of our nation’s schools. I don’t know… Maybe it’s still too tender to take a jab in the ribs of ANYthing Corona-related, ...

8 Ways to Help Your Child Cope With Stress by Alexandra Eidens

                Photo by Chinh Le Duc on Unsplash   Just like us adults, kids experience stress. School-aged children face academic pressure, peer conflict, family changes and many other kinds of stressors each day....especially at this time with all that is going on in the world. Psychotherapist Lynn Lyons emphasizes that kids should be taught ...