Archive for July, 2020

Living Happier Starting Today by Kevin Horsley and Louis Fourie (Book Excerpt)

CHAPTER 2 HAPPINESS IS...   THE FUNDAMENTAL FLAW IN SEARCHING for happiness ‘out there’ lies in confusing pleasure for happiness. This basic misperception leads to the belief that happiness is either a once-in-a-lifetime-delight, or the compound effect of many, more, or bigger ‘pleasurables’. There is, of course, a place for pleasure. In fact, pleasurable ...

5 Ways to Encourage Creativity in Your Kids During the Summer

Kids love to create things, which is why they’re always using their imagination to invent new games or stories. But, getting them to focus on a specific craft or art skill is a way to further develop their creativity and help improve motor skills as they learn how to master ...

College Planning in the Time of COVID – A Top 10 List by Brett Levine

 An article “A Year of Chaos and Flexibility,” featured July 2oth on, paints an uncertain picture for colleges trying to recruit, admit, and enroll students. Like colleges that have to wrestle with so many unanswered questions, so do High School students. Unfortunately, there are no easy answers as High School ...

Mindfulness: Free the Past and the Future by Sez Kristiansen, author, Inspired Mama (Book Excerpt)

My son started daycare as soon as I took up work again. I felt our connection slip away, so I decided to make “Mama and Mathias time” once a week. Sometimes it was just a morning, while other times it was a whole day; I devoted time to just being ...

Interview with Claire Gill, founder National Menopause Foundation, by Robin Gorman Newman, founder,

Can you clarify the distinction between perimenopause, menopause and post menopause? Natural menopause occurs gradually over several years and has three phases: Perimenopause.  Perimenopause usually begins several years before menopause as the ovaries start to produce less estrogen. This phase lasts up until menopause when the ovaries stop releasing eggs. A ...

How to Deal With Post-Divorce Depression

Getting through a divorce is one of the hardest things a person can face. Moving on after sharing a life together and having certain expectations of that relationship can be both a letdown and challenge. This is not only because of the emotional attachment but also financial aspects, going through ...

It was huge… it was gross… it was a centipede by Pamela Francis

The little pair of boxer briefs sat in a damp corner of the tub. "Yuck," I thought. What would I find? A nighttime accident...? A Virgil's vanilla cream soda spill...? Or maybe not. Maybe they had simply been hanging over the wall of the bathtub one day, had gotten too ...