Feathered Hair by Peggy Bogaard-Lapp

Remember the 80’s? I do. I have fond memories, for the most part, of that time of my life. I went into the 80’s in junior high (we didn’t have middle school back in those days) and came out married. In all, the decade was pretty good for me. In the spirit of remembering the past, we just had an 80’s Dance Party at my daughter’s school, and it brought back a lot of fun memories. The 80’s had everything, from punk rock to yuppies, Izod shirts and stirrup pants. Shoulder pads. BIG hair. Don’t even get me started on the music! “I’ll Stop The World and Melt With You” was my favorite hit, and I always crank it up when I hear it on the oldies station now.

So dressing up for this school dance was a bit of a challenge, but I was excited to recreate some of my past. I dug around in my box of junk and found the banana comb. This was the one single item that was going to authenticate my outfit. It was an original… held on to by the sentimental me, just in case. In case what? I guess in case there was ever an 80’s Dance Party. But I held onto it because it was a cool item, kind of like the “hot buns” As Seen On TV. There are a lot of things that I didn’t hold on to; Flash Dance leg warmers, Pat Benetar headbands, and the peach Kristel Carrington suit, complete with matching shoes, I wore working at my first job at a bank. I still have the big hair. Back in the 10th grade I tried to match the soft feathery look of Farrah Fawcett. On one side, it always looked great, fell just right, and held all day. But the other side would hang, limp and pathetic, flipping completely to the opposite direction. I stood in front of the mirror each morning wishing my hair would just do it, just this one time – feather back! And then I would head off to catch the bus, with one side looking perfect and my hand pressed up on the other, hiding it the best I could. Even the banana comb failed on those days!

So, with the recent passing of my childhood friend Mary (whose hair seemed to feather just fine, thank you!), and the 80’s Dance, I have been looking through my old yearbooks, reminiscing with friends about the times we shared, and longing for the fun of being a teen, a young woman, even a young bride. I have changed a lot over the years, but I still go back to that girl when I want to be free.

p.s. That is not me in the picture. You would know it was me if one side drooped! 

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  1. One Response to “Feathered Hair by Peggy Bogaard-Lapp”

  2. OMGoodness, Peggy…I had long, fine, pin-straight, blond hair and I BEGGED my Mother to let me get a “Farrah” cut. My mother begged and pleaded with me not to do it…well, we now understand Tweens. I got my hair cut and it NEVER did the Farrah flip no matter how hard I tried. I was devastated! But, we learned and our kids have to learn from making our own decisions.

    By Cara Potapshyn Meyers on Oct 2, 2013