Book Reviews: ADHD Titles & Giveaways by Robin Gorman Newman

If you are parenting an ADHD child, as I am, and especially as they start to get older and understand more about how their bodies feel and are able to express, having them read books that offer explanation and also engage and amuse are great finds. I’d like to share the following….  



The Ultimate Guide to the Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet

by Pamela Compart and Dana Laake  (published by Fair Winds Press)

The Centers for Disease Control reports significant increases in Autism and ADHD – both affecting primarily boys. The CDC estimates that 1 out of 175 children (age 4 to 17) currently have Autism (300,000). Before 1985, Autism occurred in less than 1 out of 2000. ADHD is much more common in that it affects 4.4 million U.S. children (age 4 to 17).

Common to both of these conditions is the negative impact of certain foods – especially milk products and glutens such as wheat(and to a lesser degree – soy and corn.) One of the challenges that parents face is coping with children who have picky appetites and crave the very foods that affect their behavior, focus and development. The other challenge is finding ways to get their children to eat healthy foods and improve their nutritional status.

The uniqueness of this book is that it not only provides gluten-free milk-free substitutes and recipes, it provides successful suggestions for feeding the picky eater. The authors share details about just how and why the diet works. The specialty ingredients are explained and extensive sources provided. There are also testimonials from the parents and from the children themselves.

OK….my son isn’t gonna read this one cover to cover, but we do like to cook together, and I love the idea of teaching him to follow recipes and prepare dishes that are particularly healthy for him now and when he’s grown and cooking for himself. 

Click HERE to purchase.



by Phyllis Carpenter and Marti Ford

Sparky’s Excellent Misadventures: My A.D.D. Journal by Me (Sparky)

Magination Press, $8.95; for ages 5–11

This funny, upbeat story is written like a diary.Sparky, a.k.a. Spencer Allen Douglass, uses his journal to write about his life (he takes pills to “fix his wiggles”) and confide his secret thoughts (“I didn’t know the store made pills to fix MY stuff!”). The book brings the reader inside the mind of an ADD child, as he learns how to cope with his condition.I’m a big fan of journaling, and I love the format of this book.  It’s cool-looking and is a short, but fun read, with a great takeaway message.

BOOK GIVEAWAYS: Motherhood Later is giving away a copy of each of the following books below from Free Spirit Publishing.  To enter, drop a note to  Include the title of the book in the Subject line and write a note sharing why you’d like to receive a copy.  Be sure to include your full name and mailing address.  Winners will be notified via email.

adhdinhdADHD in HD

by Jonathan Chesner (Ages 13 & up)

From an early age, actor Jonathan Chesner knew he had the kind of brain that would wear a Hawaiian shirt, bright red pants, and cool painted shoes to a wedding while most other people’s brains would wear three-piece suits. He also knew that if he learned how to manage the difficulties of ADHD and harness its awesome powers, he would help other “special brains” by sharing this knowledge in a book to slay all other books.

This is that book. ADHD in HD: Brains Gone Wild is a kinetic collection of frank personal stories of failure and success, hilarious anecdotes, wild ideas, and blunt advice that will resonate with teens and young adults. While most ADHD books are written to parents and educators, this is written to hold the attention of the teen and young adult reader with ADHD: more than 60 short essays, relevant topics, wacky illustrations—all stamped with Jonathan’s style of humor.

The book addresses the four main characteristics of ADHD: hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattention, and indecisiveness. It provides positive advice about school, family life, social life, dating, careers, medicine, and how to be like Mr. T—even if you don’t have a Mohawk, lots of gold chains, or huge muscles.

Jonathan Chesner’s ADHD in HD is inspiring, upbeat, and fun and gives the unique perspective that ADHD isn’t all bad—it can actually be a blessing in disguise.  This book rocks!!

Click HERE to purchase.


survivaladhdThe Survival Guide for Kids with ADHD

by John F. Taylor, Ph.D. (Ages 8-12)

What does it mean to have ADHD? How can kids diagnosed with ADHD help themselves succeed in school, get along better at home, and form healthy, enjoyable relationships with peers?

In kid-friendly language and a format that welcomes reluctant and easily distracted readers, The Survival Guide for Kids with ADHD, helps kids know they’re not alone and offers practical strategies for taking care of oneself, modifying behavior, enjoying school, having fun, and dealing (when needed) with doctors, counselors, and medication. Includes real-life scenarios, quizzes, and a special message for parents.

This is a well-written and practically presented book that can really benefit kids…and the charts are a wonderful touch, so the reader can put strategies into practice.

Click HERE to purchase.


SAMMARSThis Morning Sam Went to Mars

by Nancy Carlson (Ages 4-8)

Eight-year-old Sam is always daydreaming about exploring space and the deepest seas, which is awesome—except when he’s supposed to be focusing on schoolwork or stuff at home. It seems like all he hears is, “Focus, Sam!” and “Pay attention!” The doctor says Sam is lucky: He has a very powerful brain! But he does need some help focusing. She gives Sam and his dad lots of strategies to try to improve focus, like staying organized, eating better food, and asking for help when he needs it. Sam’s favorite strategy? Make time for imagination!

This book is adorable and a meaningful story!

To purchase, click HERE.


Note: Thanks to the featured publishers for providing review copies.

PS — If you enjoy books, like me, check out



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