Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

Am I Destined to be a Bad Parent? by, Bailey Gaddis, author, Asking for a Pregnant Friend (Book Excerpt)

All too often, pregnant women and the mothers of newborns have questions they are too ashamed or scared to ask their doctors, friends, mothers, and sisters. What is that smell? Is the fetus really okay when I have sex? What should I do if I’m sad about my baby’s gender? Why ...

Gender norms. A tale of 2 titties by Pamela Francis

Student Interviewer: Gemini season is wrapping up and I know that you're a... double Gemini...? Me: Double Gemini.  Yes.  Sun and Moon. Student Interviewer: Tell me a distinctly Geminian joke. Me: Hmmm.... Ok.  I made this one up myself.  Where did the heavy-set woman get her psych degree? Student Interviewer: I don't know.  Where ...

The tried… the true… the revolutionary. 6 Ways to Combat Loneliness at Work by Pamela Francis

As a workplace influencer, under my company name Admin On-the-Go, LinkedIn asked me to weigh in on the issue of workplace loneliness.  I thought I’d share my contribution here on MLTS.  I don’t think I knew that folks were experiencing this, since I erroneously believed everyone’s just out there having ...

Michele Borba, author, Thrivers, The Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle and Others Shine: Interview by Melissa Couch Salim

Michele Borba has been a teacher, educational consultant and parent for many years, and she has never been more worried about kids than she is right now.  She describes our kids today as strivers—educated, motivated and more privileged than ever before, yet depressed, lonely and empty, and this is according ...

Tenacity in Children by Sam Goldstein and Robert B. Brooks (Book Excerpt)

How Do They Know? Did you ever wonder why babies quickly develop a social smile and look you in the eyes? Is it surprising to learn that the muscles in your ears are set within the range of women’s voices at birth or that babies prefer looking at women’s faces ...

7 Tips to Be Ultra-Successful After Graduation By Elena Cardone, author, Build An Empire: How to Have It All:

It’s graduation season and an exciting time for both high school and college seniors. You’ve done the work, studied hard and now it’s time to walk across the stage to Pomp and Circumstance and receive your diploma. When all the fanfare dies down, what is your next move? Get a job? ...

Mid Life No Crisis by Lisa Levine (Book Excerpt)

Other People and Their Opinions Remember trying desperately to fit in at high school? Spending hours pondering whether or not you were cool? Or funny? Or smart? Or pretty? Back then, we were caught up trying to evolve in a fishbowl full of judgy peers and social norms. Yet even now, ...

Mommin’ It by Harriet Shearsmith (Book Excerpt)

Reprinted with permission from Mommin’ It by Harriet Shearsmith, Kyle Books 2021 Let’s talk chores When I first became a mum, I never really thought of chores as something that was a controversial or debatable topic. Your kids live in the house, they will one day have 
to live alone – be ...

When (Black) boys graduate by Pamela Francis

You might assume that graduating is every student's no-duh conclusion after 12 years of early rises, sketchy breakfasts, hasty hygiene and barely escaped tidal waves of tardies.  But as a classroom teacher, an educator for over twenty years, a student, myself, for 18 cumulative years, and now as a mom, ...

How to Make Moving Less Stressful For Your Kids

Moving tends to be a stressful process for everyone involved. But as overwhelming as it might feel, you can be certain it’s just as bad for your kids, if not even worse. They have to leave their familiar environment and potentially friends behind, which can cause them a lot of ...