Archive for the ‘Practicing Self Care/Well-Being’ Category

Guest Blog Post: 10 Reasons Moms Need a Sacred Bath Break! by Paulette Kouffman Sherman

I’m a working mom of a 5 year old and 8 year old.  I had my kids when I was 36 and 39 years old.   Maybe that’s why I’m often tired.  I’m a psychologist and a writer, plus my commute to work is over an hour.  I can’t tell you ...

Guest Blog Post: A Mother’s Travels to Wisdom by Bette J. Freedson

Can you imagine traveling in time and returning to the present with the gift of a new perspective? Going back to your past might help you realize a solution to a current problem, while going forward might comfort you with guidance from a wise great grandmother, your own inner elder. If ...

Guest Blog Post: Define Your Life Purpose by Artie McFerrin, author, The Executioner

As parents, our overarching goals for our children are to have them grow up to be happy, successful, productive members of society. We provide the building blocks they will need, such as positive thinking and self-confidence. But do you practice what you preach? Do your children see your positive mental ...


Excerpted from 10 MINDFUL MINUTES: A Journal by Goldie Hawn, with the permission of Perigee/Penguin, a division of Penguin Random House. Copyright © 2015.Honoring ConnectionsEvery day, life presents us with opportunities to be compassionate, feel someone else’s sadness or pain, and see things from another person’s point of view. —10 ...

Guest Blog Post: Think Smart by Kerri Yarsley, author, The Instruction Manual for Kids-Parents Edition

As a new parent – either mother or father – you begin to realize you have very little idea about the very basics of raising your baby. There are so many things to learn, to know, and to do.It can be completely overwhelming if you let it get to you. ...

Laying at the Daggers’ Edge by Lori J. Loesch

 I don't know.  So much has changed in my life, and I'm not a happy person.  I used to think I was.  Maybe I never was, it was all show.  Coming from an abusive, dysfunctional home, makes me wonder if I should have stayed single.  Raising a family, after suffering ...

Guest Blog Post: Six Back-to-School Strategies to Help You Stress Less & Simplify Your Life by Renee Peterson Trudeau

In the Native American tradition, September signifies the start of a new year. It certainly feels this way to me. Whether your kids are toddlers or teens, the start of the school year signifies opportunity, a time for a fresh start and a chance to do things differently. If you're feeling ...

Depression; There is Hope By: Lori Loesch

This depression thing has come to my attention since the suicide of Robin Williams, because of his high profile, depression is getting the attention that it deserves.   I saw a post from the website, TED talks.  I watched a video of Andrew Solomon.  An intelligent, successful man.  He spoke of ...

FEAR: It Stops Me In My Path By Lori Loesch

                                                                                                 FEAR   Fear is ...

Vitamins For This Later Mom By: Lori Loesch

I started taking vitamins before I got pregnant with my daughter.  A friend of mine from church sold Shaklee Products,  and I started taking Shaklee Vitamins.  It must have worked, because I had a baby at 42 years of age.  My friend joked that, my daughter was such a calm ...