Communal Germs
Let me start by saying we had a really nice trip to Boston. We went away last week, during spring break, with Seth, to Beantown. There is so much to do there, and we totally lucked out with the weather, so all was great, for the most part. I highly recommend it as a destination. That said, the tide changed radically once we got home…..
We returned Sunday night, and I felt immediately swamped. Mail to read. Tons of emails. Calls to return. Appointments to make. Unpacking…etc. Vacation was surely over. I did what I could and turned in early (for me)….glad to be sleeping in my own bed again….and at 2AM, major stomach discomfort kicked in. I wound up spending most of the evening in and out of the bathroom and was in bed all the next day. Some kind of stomach flu hit me big time, and I was feeling nothing but pain. My back hurt…legs ached, stomach churned. I lived on saltines, jello and other super light food for the next few days, and still feel like my energy is seriously zapped.
The day after I took ill, Seth started complaining his throat hurt when he yawned, and he wondered if that was normal. He’s not one typically to complain, so we listened up. We kept him home from school that day, and Marc took him to the pediatrician the following morning. I’m so glad he did. Were it up to me, I would have thought that Seth just had a sore throat. But, shockingly, I got a call from Marc on his way to the pharmacy with Seth, and he said Seth had strep throat. My first thought was….Yikes! I already had it this winter….no not again….strep germs in the house.
Then, the day after, Marc announced that he didn’t feel well and came home early from work. He then spent the entire next day in bed, as I had, and went to the doctor with a scratchy throat. Luckily his isn’t strep, but the doctor didn’t want it to develop. Both he and Seth are now on antibiotic…and I wait with baited breath…and pray that it won’t catch up with me.
I do feel somewhat sniffly today, so I’m popping extra Vitamin C and Echinacea and hoping for the best. Must go to bed early, or at least try to.
We have weekend plans that can’t be cancelled, and I have to rise to the occasion.
This week has been unreal. This is my first experience with all of us being ill at the very same time. And, not even exactly with the same virus. Crazy!
I’m wiped out from it all…not to mention feeling behind in some things I expected to get done. Oh well. Such is the life of a parent.
Next week will hopefully be better. And, if weather permits, I’m going to open all the doors and windows and air out the house….and pull out the cans of Lysol and disinfect like a mad woman. And, get out my hand sanitizer and use it religiously. One of my mom friends, knowing how sick I’ve been this winter with miscellaneous bugs, suggested I get myself a surgical mask for protection. Hmmm…now that’s a thought. :)
Have you ever had this experience?