From Rainbow Loom to Minecraft to ROBLOX by Conlee Ricketts

DSC02580It was the end of September when I began blogging every Monday for Motherhood Later. This is now my final Monday for awhile. My fairy tale life as stay-at-home-mom/entrepreneur has to take its turn on the back burner for awhile. I’m fairly sad.

I started a new job three weeks ago to make my budget move from red to pink.

I am not admitting defeat though, I am continuing to write and have jumped into the April A to Z Blogging Challenge with a theme of essays I had already begun to prepare when I found out about the challenge. My theme is 26 Days to Practice Peace and you can find it, visit, comment, and hopefully enjoy at my personal website.

My work with AccepTeen as a Parenting Cheerleader will continue as I try to reach out to parents, schools, and parenting groups to discuss empathetic parenting and the various ways to improve communication and build trust within our families. I am currently working on creating my first Kickstarter campaign to create a video that discusses bullying and my philosophy concerning working with children in pain. When I launch the campaign I hope you will all help spread the word.

Balancing my dream of AccepTeen, leaving a 23 year teaching career to follow that dream, experiencing many upsets along the way both personal and professional, and watching my daughter grow from Rainbow Loom to Minecraft to RŌBLOX in a fast six months has been quite a journey. I do sometimes feel as though I failed, but the best part of this failure has been three years home with my daughter. I have never had so much fun failing in a career as I have these past three years. To have energy remaining after school hours has been a brand new experience for me, and I have been able to spend that energy on my daughter. She has made me laugh and stare in amazement at the person she is becoming. This has been the best failure imaginable.

I will continue to work, write, and dream. Of course I hope that all of you continue to follow me on my journey. Feel free to find AccepTeen on Facebook, and please sign up for the newsletter on the website. You all know how I feel about Twitter but you can follow me there too because I post my blog links there if you tweet.

Thank you all for reading and commenting! It has been an absolute pleasure to write for your eyes!
