Hormonal Prison – by Lisa Kelly
In two weeks, our little poot will be a year old. What a roller coaster ride this has been, especially emotionally. I think when we have babies at “advanced maternal age”, our hormones are already starting to pack up their hand basket to Hell then we place the additional stress of a pregnancy on them. I thought I was peri-menopausal when I found out I was pregnant. My periods had picked up considerably and I was suddenly suffering night sweats, severe insomnia, heavy bleeding and mood swings like you read about. My pregnancy went great and I felt very happy during and in the immediate weeks following delivery.
After delivery, my OB/GYN put me on the progesterone mini pill. That turned out to be a bad fit as I found myself ready to spit nails and breathe fire at a moments notice. I changed to the estrogen patch about six months ago and now the same thing is happening again. I am not myself. I’m stressed out and very unhappy despite having a near perfect husband and a beautiful baby. Now school has started for me again so my stress is magnified a thousand times and most days I just want to run away from home. I’m curious if anyone has experienced this and if you have found any relief.
2 Responses to “Hormonal Prison – by Lisa Kelly”
Hi Lisa, I too, was experiencing peri symptoms. Have started DHEA, 25 mg daily, and it seems to help.
Cannot hurt to try, right?
By Angela Kunstwadl on Aug 23, 2013
Try Mircette (ie: Kariva). I had a lot of problems finding a pill I could tolerate after I gave birth and this one turned out to be perfect! Good luck!
By Cara Meyers on Aug 23, 2013