I See Me Books – Review by Cara Potapshyn Meyers

I See Me! Books


Easter is a time of love and reflection for many people. Often parents search for a gift for their children that isn’t a chocolate bunny or candy egg. Especially if their child has a food allergy. I thought our readers might have interest in this inspirational and personal gift, perfect for Easter time.

I See Me! personalized children’s books are a loving and touching way to help enhance a child’s imagination and help boost their creativity.  Some great ideas from I See Me! for Easter include God Loves You, Who Loves You and My Very Own Fairy Tale-perfect for the springtime!  If you are looking for other options, I See Me! has a number of titles, so there are plenty to choose from. The selection ranges from personalized birthday books to holiday books and plenty of others appropriate for both boys as well as girls.

I was curious about these personalized books and requested a copy to review. My son has a severe allergy to peanuts and is allergic to all other tree nuts. It is difficult to find fun items to give him for Easter. He cannot eat chocolate because many factories that make chocolate products also make products with nuts in them as well. The dust from the nuts could settle into the chocolate, thus causing an allergic reaction.

When I heard about the I See Me! books, I immediately thought of reviewing a book and then getting one for my son for Easter. Ironically, the book I was sent to review had my son’s name throughout it! The only glitch was that the opening page had a dedication to a different boy with the same name. I thought that I could modify the page and give it to my son as part of his Easter gifts! My son would get a very special book, modified and dedicated to him, without the let down of not receiving any candy. I was immediately hooked on the idea.

The book that was sent for me to review was called, God Loves Me. If personalized, the “Me” would be replaced with your child’s name. I found the text of the book to be suitable for anyone who follows a monotheistic religion. It did not indicate in any way a bias towards one specific religion. All the book conveyed was that God loves each child every day, in all ways, unconditionally. It was a beautiful way to introduce and discuss how God plays a part in each child’s life.

The illustrations were whimsical, yet subtly bold enough to capture a child’s attention. Page after page had beautiful artistry to accompany the text. Since my son is drawn to bold colors, I am certain that he is going to be drawn into the story through the pretty, eye catching colors on each page.

They even have an App for a personalized book called, My Very Own Name for the iPad! Now children can read their own personalized book on an iPad and choose from a generous selection of titles. I am considering getting one of these iPad books for my son’s iPad. This way my son could read his own special book if we travel. It also makes a very unique gift!

Loved by such celebrities as Courtney Cox Arquette and Brooke Shields,these books are bound to be a huge hit in any household!


All titles are available online at www.ISeeMe.com.


Note: Thanks to the above company for providing the sample product.  Cara Potapshyn Meyers and MotherhoodLater.com assume no liability relative to the product reviewed in this blog.



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