On to the New Year! by Sharon O’Donnell

Finally! We got all our Christmas decorations packed back up today. Everything was so behind this year because of my husband’s eye surgery and our dog’s liver biopsy — plus our pantry collapsed about a week before Christmas, and we’ve had repairmen in rebuilding that. Now my husband’s eye is much better (though he will have to have more surgery later), our dog is doing well with a semi-clean bill of health (has to take some meds to get liver enzymes down), the pantry is rebuilt, and now the decorations are packed away. Well, maybe not away yet, but they are all in boxes. And when my sons come home tomorrow to watch the football games (Go Panthers! and Go Chargers!), then it will be their job to put them in storage. We never go a Christmas card done this year, but I’m thinking of sending out a “Happy Mid-January” one.

Before leaving the new year totally behind in the rear-view mirror, I did want to post a photo of my oldest son’s graduation in December. This is one of my three sons. Sorry about the Bud-Lite
sign in the background, but I don’t want to figure out how to photoshop it out. And my oldest now admits that he should have taken our advice and moved his graduation cap down toward the front of his head, as this photo makes him look a bit like The Flying Nun. But anyway — at least I remembered to take photos. Now on to 2014, full speed ahead.
