BFF or NRF (Not Really Friends)? A Girls Guide to Happy Friendships, By Jessica Speer (Book Excerpt)

Chapter 9: Making New Friends Sophie’s Story—Always the New Kid “My mom has a job that makes our family move almost every year. I’ve been to four schools already. Just when I get used to a new town, new school, and new friends, I have to start over. I get really ...

Raising Your Spirited Baby by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka, Ed.D. (Book Excerpt)

Excerpt from RAISING YOUR SPIRITED BABY by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka, Ed.D. Copyright © 2020 by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka. Used with permission by William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.   Chapter 3 What Do I Need to Stay Calm So I Can Calm My Baby? Untangling Our Emotions, Reframing Our Experiences, ...

Meet Cat Miller, Later Mom, Playwright and Director, THE HOPE HYPOTHESIS

Can you share with us your road to parenthood? It was an unexpected one. I always wanted to have kids. When I was 30, my first marriage ended, and I remember being terrified I had missed my chance. Then, just about three years later, my step-kids came into my life, ...

Happy Fourth Birthday by Debbie Oberlander

Four years ago today, I held my beautiful little boy for the first time.  The nurse escorted me to the operating room at noon for a scheduled c-section, and by 12:45 I had become a mother. I felt the warm skin and tender breath of my son, as his grandma ...

My Children Are a Work of ART by Marina Paleos

  Sometimes, life leads us down paths we never expected to travel. At 46, I was more than okay with being single and not having a family. Well, just when you think you’ve figured things out, life throws you a curve ball. I met my future husband at 47, married at 48, ...

The Joys of Raising Boys: The Good, the Bad, and the Hilarious: A Memoir by Diane Auten (Book Excerpt)

Relationships TEACHING BOYS HOW to love is one of the most important jobs that we have in this world. So many boys grow up unable to express them­selves, whether it comes from societal influences, peer pressure, or parental shaming, it is a norm that as a society, we must turn around. Without ...

Raising an Entrepreneur by Margot Machol Bisnow (Book Excerpt)

Rule 3: Don’t Worry About A’s Schools Don’t Always Nurture Entrepreneurs Some children who grow up to become entrepreneurs have habits that most schools don’t value. They question the rules and challenge authority. They want to do things their own way. They get bored and lose focus when the task at hand ...