You Say Useless Baby Gift, I Say Motherhood Gold by Melissa Swedoski

This weekend I'll be attending a baby shower for my sister-in-law. I don't know how much you know about Texas and, more specifically, East Texas, but baby showers are a thing. Decorations, favors, games, food, beverages, presents. It's just one guy shy of being an engagement party. And generally speaking, ...

Finding a Pwesent for Dada by Melissa Swedoski

If you go trolling around the Internet - you know, for fun in your spare time - you'll find a lot of information on being a mom. Meaning, more information than you ever wanted to know on more topics than you ever thought possible. Turns out, the same can almost ...

A Holiday Time to Breathe – by Cara Potapshyn Meyers

If my aging memory serves correct, I believe that Hanukkah and Christmas have overlapped for several years now. I could be off by a year somewhere. However since my son was perhaps four-years-old (5 years ago), I have been playing hopscotch trying to prepare and celebrate Hanukkah at the same ...