A Letter of Thanks by Vicky Dal Molin

I used to think Air travel was an excruciating process…. Until that is when I travelled with a 2 year old. I was indeed made to learn that air travel can be far more agonizing than I could possible have imagined. So I started penning a letter to all the airlines, ...

Later Dads: The Blessing That They Are by Heather Bowles

Good Saturday evening, Later Moms and Dads. I hope you're taking it easy in this heat! Today, as I sit here typing this, deciding what to say to and about my partner in parenting, he is across the room, reading to our daughter. Without his diversionary tactics, I fear I ...

Adding Insult to Injury, or… When Only Mommy is Well by Heather Bowles

Good morning, ladies! I know you are used to hearing from me on Saturday mornings, and I apologize for the late post, but my family has kept me hopping for the last three or four days. It feels as if I am the only person in good health in the ...

Year End Gratitude Moments – by Cara Potapshyn Meyers

During the month of November, many people started sharing “gratitude” posts on Facebook, in honor of giving “thanks” since Thanksgiving is an important November holiday. Although many people started their gratitude posts, slowly many dwindled. Some came more sporadically. I understood. I had tried to do the same many times ...

Know When to Hold ‘Em and When to Fold ‘Em by Heather Bowles

Good Saturday afternoon, ladies! I apologize for the late entry today, but I am bone weary, and mentally spent from this week in the Bowles household. Tabitha is teething in earnest now, and she wakes every two hours throughout the night to cry. I've tried every safe homeopathic remedy I ...

Autumn Outings, Part 2 Derailed by Heather Bowles

This week, I was planning to discuss last week's harvest themed shenanigans, including a trip to a pumpkin patch, and Tabitha's first family get together, which included her first Halloween dress up. Instead, today, I find myself less focused on our local happenstances, and more concerned with the welfare of ...