The Distance Learning Playbook for Parents by co-author Rosalind Wiseman (Book Excerpt)

HAPPINESS? What is it? Before the pandemic, most parents, when asked what they want for their children, said, “I want my child to be happy.” But what does happiness really mean? It can’t mean free from painful experiences or conflict with others because those things constantly hap- pen. It can’t be free ...

As your cup runneth over….by Wendy Sue Noah

We all know the drill as mothers.  There is almost always something to do, to take care of, to not forget about, and let’s not forget to take care of ourselves, too! Being a mom is by far the most challenging, frustrating and rewarding job I have ever had, and ...

I Have Been a Hypocrite By: Lori J Loesch

    I am a hypocrite.  I have been walking around like a poor little church mouse.  I am not a poor church mouse.  I was, and then God raised me up to be a wealthy woman.  I must share my story so that others will have Hope in God.   I dropped ...

Later Dads: The Blessing That They Are by Heather Bowles

Good Saturday evening, Later Moms and Dads. I hope you're taking it easy in this heat! Today, as I sit here typing this, deciding what to say to and about my partner in parenting, he is across the room, reading to our daughter. Without his diversionary tactics, I fear I ...

Autumn Outings, Part 2 Derailed by Heather Bowles

This week, I was planning to discuss last week's harvest themed shenanigans, including a trip to a pumpkin patch, and Tabitha's first family get together, which included her first Halloween dress up. Instead, today, I find myself less focused on our local happenstances, and more concerned with the welfare of ...