GUEST BLOG POST: The Art of Blissful Parenting by Sharon Ballantine

Have you ever noticed how things flow in your life when you’re feeling good and how they don’t flow when you feel stressed or are engaging in any negative emotion? Feeling good is your key to being in the flow and for manifesting what you want. This means tapping into ...

GUEST BLOG POST: Finding Magic in the Mayhem by Bernadette Noll, author, Look At Us Now

I don’t think I need to tell you that parenting can be hectic. Whether you have one child or five, whether you are a single mom or happily coupled, whether you have toddlers or teens, on many days the mess of parenting seems to far outweigh the calm. So how ...

GUEST BLOG POST: Are You Choosing Love…or Fear? by Renee Peterson Trudeau

This past Sunday evening on Mother’s Day, I returned home from an amazing retreat feeling euphoric and transformed. My husband and son picked me up from the airport. My teen had just returned from a late-night sleepover so my expectations for the evening were low: a quick bite out at ...

Guest Blog Post: The MisEducation of Progress by Mykal White

As parents, you’d think we would learn from the past. By now, and with the billions of other parents who’ve gone through the business of raising children, you’d think we would be better able to recognize the writing on the wall - especially considering how long it's been there.In each ...

Guest Blog Post: Think Smart by Kerri Yarsley, author, The Instruction Manual for Kids-Parents Edition

As a new parent – either mother or father – you begin to realize you have very little idea about the very basics of raising your baby. There are so many things to learn, to know, and to do.It can be completely overwhelming if you let it get to you. ...