Shedding Light on Learning Differences and How You as a Parent Can Help Your Children: Interview with Learning Specialist Dr. Odey Raviv by Robin Gorman Newman, founder,

As anyone parenting a child with learning differences knows, it takes a village, and the question becomes how do we create our village? What can we do to best help our kids do their best and build self esteem in school and life? This is the million dollar question, and ...

Acronyms of a Different Nature by Dana M. Spincola

     Each day I am more amazed at the number of acronyms that are commonplace among literature, speech and through social media—LOL! As a former school administrator, I was drenched in educational acronyms such as KWL, CCSS, APPR, PARCC and SLO. (Secretly, I am somewhat relieved for those to ...