Meet Later Mom Jeryl Prescott Gallien

AGE: 56 RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Married RESIDENCE: North Hollywood AGES OF YOUR CHILDREN:  Gave birth to two boys, 17 & 15 years old – I also have four bonus children with my husband of two years – 17, 26, 31 & 34 For details on Jeryl's background as an actress, visit What was your road to parenthood like?  ...

7 Tips For Parenting Adult Children – by Ali Skylar

As my kids hit their twenties, there was at first a big sigh of relief.  Okay, now it’s going to get easier.  Uh...I don’t think so! The hardest part?  Well, you don’t realize it until it happens, but it’s the "letting go" part.  All of those times you were exhausted, fried ...

I am Mama by Later Mom Marina Topsis

I worked in the airline industry for 38 1/2 years and took early retirement at 60 for many reasons. I wish I could say it was solely for my then 4 and 6 year old sons. It turned out to be a great decision. A few months later, 3/16/20, we ...

Free to Be, You and Me! by Wendy Sue Noah

It’s been almost a full year since the pandemic started. No one, especially us parents, could have imagined what life would be like once our kids were sent home, with a “wait and see” message from the schools. All of a sudden, getting toilet paper became a significant challenge, some ...

’True Mothers’ (Japanese movie w/subtitles): Review by Hannah Singer

I am an adoptive mom of an 8th grader, adopted from birth, just like the adoptive parents in this movie. When I was offered to review this movie, I was somewhat reluctant. Even after all these years, I am sensitive to the situation. Basically, I didn’t want to be upset or ...

All In by Later Mom Ali Skylar

I was at a Motherhood Later Zoom gathering when one of the moms shared a bit about her parenting journey, and how an extremely challenging birth experience “birthed” an incredible commitment on her husband’s part to help make changes in the workplace. On a global scale, Josh Levs’ work has ...

What?!? I’m An Older parent?!? by Ali Skylar

I’ll never forget the moment I realized that my hubby, Jamie and I were “older parents.”  I never really gave it a second thought until my son, Chaz, now 21, was in Kindergarten.  He came home one day after Jamie picked him up from school very upset.   Me: Hey love! How ...

Mindfulness: Free the Past and the Future by Sez Kristiansen, author, Inspired Mama (Book Excerpt)

My son started daycare as soon as I took up work again. I felt our connection slip away, so I decided to make “Mama and Mathias time” once a week. Sometimes it was just a morning, while other times it was a whole day; I devoted time to just being ...

But They Are Such Cute Little Narcissists……by Kristen Howerton, author, Rage Against The Minivan (Book Excerpt)

They’re awful people. They’re tiny, tiny little Hitlers, all of them......Donald Glover   If I had to sum up motherhood in one philosophical statement it would be this: They come out of the womb as narcissists, and you have eighteen years to try to change that. If, by the time they move out ...

Navigating Adoption Later in Life – Meet Later Mom Melissa Couch Salim, founder, Baby Buzz Adoption Advisory & Head, Houston Chapter of Interview by Robin Gorman Newman, founder,

Robin: What led you to adopt? Melissa: My road to adoption was a long and winding one with many speed bumps, hills and unexpected pot holes.  But I stayed the course as somehow, I knew in my heart adoption was for me.  What I didn’t realize is that by the time ...