Meet Later Mom Louise Goffin

I'm a Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and co-host of a podcast that interviews legendary songwriters. In addition to running my record company, which is set up to allow me to release and distribute my recordings on CD and vinyl, I lead masterclasses and retreats in artist empowerment and songwriting. Visit What ...

Meet Later Mom Ophira Eisenberg

AGE:  47 RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Married RESIDENCE:  Brooklyn, NY SON’S NAME/AGE: Lucas, 3 Years Old   Standup Comedian Host of NPR’s Ask Me Another Frequent host and teller with The Moth, featured on Moth Radio Hour, podcast, in two of their best-selling books.   What was your road to parenthood like?  It was a long road. I spent most of my adult life ...

Weeping in the Playground by Pamela Francis

I was standing in the middle of the playground weeping. Not because I got hurt – although with the weird new thing happening with my hip when I walk, and the awkward way I’ve been ascending the stairs at home and at work, and the crazy phenomenon whereby I can no ...

Guest Blog Post: Where Fairy Tales Go by Annette Ross (Book Excerpt)

“On January 4, 2000, my sweet husband Bill and I kissed our toddler Natalie goodbye, with promises to be back soon as we headed to the hospital to deliver our second child. Twenty-four hours later, we had a newborn daughter, but all else had been horribly, irrevocably changed. Life had ...

Opportunity Seeking Starts Early by Richard Rende, PhD and Jen Prosek (Excerpted from Raising Can-Do Kids)

So how can we foster opportunity seeking in our children? For decades, scholars have articulated a model for teaching children how to take forays into the unknown and deal with life’s uncomfortable or risky moments. Attachment theory, as it is called, dates back to the seminal work of John ...

Things You Need to Know About Parenting In the USA (When You’re an Aussie) – By Vicky Dal Molin

So I came across quite an amusing article today titled 15 Things You Need To Know About Parenting in Australia by Jenna Gallina**. It brought me back and reminded me exactly how fabulous growing up in Australia really was. Which made me think…. If it that much different here in ...

Older Mom, Keeping Up With the Children, by Lori j Loesch

I'm a later than sooner mom.  That said, raising a family is tough, especially in this complicated world we live in.  Being an older mom, is tougher.  I am going through menopause, and it feels like it's killing me.  I feel like a stranger in my own body, the body ...

Guest Blog Post: Rockin’ in the Free World by Susan Konig, later mom & author, Teenagers & Toddlers Are Trying to Kill Me

The following is a book excerpt..... Women of my generation were trained early on -- when a Beatle walks in the room, you scream; no other response is appropriate.So when I took the kids to see Ringo Starr play Radio City Music Hall in New York, as soon as the funny ...

Sporting Prowess? Maybe in the Past! – by Vicky Dal Molin

I was reading an article today, that started making me think about whether I have been wearing rose coloured classes when I think about what it would be like to raise a child in Australia today compared to here in NY. My memories of being raised in Australia are so ...

2015… Off to a “Firing” Start! By Vicky Dal Molin

I cannot believe we are in a new year and it has been such a long time since I last sat down and gave myself enough time to write. When did we all become so…. Well for want of a better phrase “time poor”. Work/Life/Kids/Holidays has meant such a shortage ...