Meet Later Mom Kimberly Samson

AGE:  49 RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Happily Married RESIDENCE:  Los Angeles AGES OF YOUR SONS: 20, 17 and 9 I left a lucrative and prestigious (because at that time, my self worth was my job) position as a money manager with Merrill Lynch to stay home with my children. I had a brief stint back into ...

To C or Not to C: Get this baby out of me! by Zoe Richmond

I had a C-section.  I actually had two C-sections.  It took a while to get the residue of shame off my voice when I made that statement. Don’t get me wrong, I did not set out to have a C-section.  Quite the opposite.  I was looking forward to the birthing experience. ...

GUEST BLOG POST: Flipsides by Annette Herfkens, Later Mom and Author, Turbulence (Book Excerpt)

Once upon a time, I wanted to go see my fiancé in Vietnam. I had to postpone the trip. Unlucky.I went one month later. Via Hong Kong. Uncharacteristically, I did not miss my flight, even though it left two hours earlier than planned. Lucky. If I had missed it, I ...

Meet Later Mom: Ondine Landa Abramson

NAME: Ondine Landa Abramson AGE:  48 RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Married RESIDENCE:  South Orange, NJ CHILD'S NAME/AGE:  E., 10 I’m the President and Executive Producer of a recently-launched new digital entertainment channel. is a "hub of must-see web series" (USA Today) aiming “to lure a demographic of 25-to-54-year-old females by using Broadway as a jumping-off point,” ...

Guest Blog: Motherhood in Good Time by Susanne Paola Antonetta, author, Make Me a Mother

            When my son Jin was fourteen, and at the age where the meanest thing he could think of  to say occasionally popped out of him--like a stone busting out of a tumultuous dam-- he once or twice said to me, “You are too old. You’re too old to understand ...

October 2013 Later Mom Profile: Eliza Moore

NAME:  Eliza Moore AGE:  37 RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Married RESIDENCE:  Montreal, Quebec CHILD’s NAME/AGE: Xavier 2 I am a mother, singer songwriter (although sometimes I prefer to use the term composer as it broadens the possibility field), fiddle player, yoga instructor, and overall seeker of spiritual fulfillment and joy.  This link to my recent music video release will ...

GUEST POST BLOG: “You’re Not My Boss” — Cultivating Respect by Sue Sanders

“You’re not my boss.”                 My daughter Lizzie is fourteen. Therefore, over the previous few years, I’ve heard this phrase more times than I can count. It’s as if she’s got it on autorepeat. My friends also hear this near constant refrain from their children, as well.                 Why is this expression ...

GUEST BLOG POST: Carried in our Hearts by Jane Aronson (Book Excerpt)

 Excerpted from CARRIED IN OUR HEARTS: The Gift of Adoption; Inspiring Stories of Families Created Across Continents by Dr. Jane Aronson with the permission of Tarcher/Penguin. Copyright Jane Aronson 2013.   I always wanted to adopt a child. When I was very young, I saw those Save the Children advertisements on ...

Peri-Menopausal Mama Teaching a Life Lesson by Robin Gorman Newman

It rained this past Saturday, so while we thought we were going to the pool for the last weekend of the summer, our plans got altered.  In fact, we were left with no plans. Seth spend the bulk of the day on his computer, and I was itching to get out. I ...

Mini Me by Robin Gorman Newman

Had an interesting conversation with a friend last week. Like me, she is an adoptive mom. Her kids know they are adopted, as does my son.  It's not a big deal in our respective households.  We've always been open. During our chat, she was venting about her kids.  It was one of those ...