Tips on Swimsuits for a 40-Something Mom by Melissa Swedoski

Ah, yes, summer is finally here. Technically, it's been here for those of us in the south/southwest for a couple of months, but now that all of us are on the same page, let me focus on a topic that is HOT every time summer comes around: What the heck ...

GUEST BLOG POST: Preconception Health Tips by Dr. Robert Melillo, author, Autism

Just two decades ago, the likelihood of having a child with autism was 1 in 10,000. Today it is 1 in 88. No wonder doctors are now calling the rise in autism a public health emergency. Yet when it comes to tackling this difficult issue, it seems that most people are ...

Adventures in Attachment Parenting: Happy to be Older and Wiser by Allison Silver

I never knew before the birth of our daughter how much I would love being a mom. This past year I have even thought, “Maybe we shouldn’t have waited so long to have our first child. Maybe we should’ve had our first child earlier.” I started thinking about it again ...

In Appreciation of Teachers by Margaret Hart

It's Teacher Appreciation Week! All this week, at most grade schools I know of, children and their parents will be honoring teachers and staff. Many kids will likely give their teachers a handmade card or project they've worked on in secret, and many parents will show their appreciation by hosting ...