Girls on the Brink by Donna Jackson Nakazawa (Book Excerpt)

Excerpted from GIRLS ON THE BRINK by Donna Jackson Nakazawa. Copyright © 2022 by Donna Jackson Nakazawa. Used by permission of Harmony Books, an imprint of Random House, a division of Penguin Random House LLC, New York. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without ...

Me, Motherhood, and a Wise Woman by Julie Wheaton & Patrece Powers (Book Excerpt)

She makes it look so easy. She looks so together. She has a clean house. She has a nanny. She doesn’t spend enough time with her kids. She spends too much time with her kids. She doesn’t need to work. She is so smart. She is so creative. She has a husband who helps with the kids. She is having ...

’True Mothers’ (Japanese movie w/subtitles): Review by Hannah Singer

I am an adoptive mom of an 8th grader, adopted from birth, just like the adoptive parents in this movie. When I was offered to review this movie, I was somewhat reluctant. Even after all these years, I am sensitive to the situation. Basically, I didn’t want to be upset or ...

Mindfulness: Free the Past and the Future by Sez Kristiansen, author, Inspired Mama (Book Excerpt)

My son started daycare as soon as I took up work again. I felt our connection slip away, so I decided to make “Mama and Mathias time” once a week. Sometimes it was just a morning, while other times it was a whole day; I devoted time to just being ...

Happy Fourth Birthday by Debbie Oberlander

Four years ago today, I held my beautiful little boy for the first time.  The nurse escorted me to the operating room at noon for a scheduled c-section, and by 12:45 I had become a mother. I felt the warm skin and tender breath of my son, as his grandma ...

Kids Travel Picture Books You Will Enjoy Too by Robin Gorman Newman

Gearing up for our trip to London, I've been encouraging my son, 12, to read about places he might want to visit.  Reading isn't his favorite thing, but looking at a vibrantly illustrated picture book makes it easy.  And, given that he's a dog lover, my favorite series is The ...

Kids Show Review: The Amazing Adventures of Harvey and the Princess

By HarlemMommyrific As a single mom living in Harlem, I would’ve never expected to identify so strongly with a King and Queen from a place called PinkMountainIsland. I should explain.   I walked into New York City Children’s Theater as a first-time blogger with my preschooler on a brisk Saturday morning.  This was also our ...

I Couldn’t Say It Was My Mom, By: Lori Loesch

Now that my first born is finished with school, and working for his living, it's quite an adjustment for me and his little, nine (9) year old sister. I keep reminding myself that the projects he has on his mind at the present time, are much bigger and of more importance ...

CRAFTY CARA: Crazy About Rainbow Loom! by Cara Potapshyn Meyers

    Okay. I’m a craft nut. I dabble in all sorts of craft type activities and subscribe to craft and do-it-yourself magazines. I love to spot something interesting and take it a step further. Embellish it. Hike it up a notch. Or learn something completely new. In the midst of trying ...