Sleep Deprivation: The Upside by Andrea Santo Felcone

This past weekend’s Father’s Day festivities included space for “nap time” for my husband…. He’s a great napper, wakes up refreshed, revived, and happy. He comes from a long line of nappers. I remember one time, fairly early into our married life, spending an afternoon at my in-laws, where my ...

Pulling the Sheets Off My Sleep Apnea by Robin Gorman Newman

When my son was born, sleep deprivation was a given.  Between infant nighttime feedings and creatures that go boo in adolescent nightmares, my husband and I were regularly on call. Fast forward, my son is now a teen, and I’m a highly symptomatic peri-menopausal mother. As a later in life mom, I ...

Tired is a state of mind. And body. by Melissa Swedoski

Ever been really tired? I'm not talking about this sleep deprived for three or four years thing that we're all going through. I'm talking about so tired that you barely have the energy to walk across the room to pick up the toy your child has been screaming for the ...

Adding Insult to Injury, or… When Only Mommy is Well by Heather Bowles

Good morning, ladies! I know you are used to hearing from me on Saturday mornings, and I apologize for the late post, but my family has kept me hopping for the last three or four days. It feels as if I am the only person in good health in the ...