Resounding presents “Dracula”: LIVE immersive audio drama, review by Andrea Santo Felcone

A new live immersive audio entertainment company, appropriately named Resounding, debuted their first audio play this past weekend with two performances of “Dracula”--one on the eve of Halloween, the other on Halloween itself. If you think back to images of old radio show performers huddled around a large microphone, this ...

“American Dreams”: Interactive and Engaging Virtual Off-Broadway Show, Review by Andrea Santo Felcone

[caption id="attachment_30336" align="alignright" width="300"] Jens Rasmussen, Ali Andre Ali, Imran Sheikh, Andrew Valdez, and Leila Buck. Photo credit: Cherie B. Tay.[/caption] It’s very gratifying to see what artists are doing to reimagine theater for our current times: since we can’t enjoy live in-person theater right now, artists will bring theater to ...

“MAESTRO” starring John Noble, Review by Andrea Santo Felcone

“Maestro,” currently running at The Duke on 42nd Street, brings to life the story of legendary Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini (1867 – 1957). John Noble stars in this production from the Ensemble for the Romantic Century. You will recognize Noble’s name from voice, television, film and stage, including his work ...

“The Other Josh Cohen” Show Review by Andrea Santo Felcone

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you could meet your future self? This concept is at the core of a brilliant musical comedy, “The Other Josh Cohen,” now playing Off-Broadway. When the show begins, we meet the two Josh Cohens: Present-day Josh (Steve Rosen) and Future Josh/The Narrator ...

Show Review: Layer the Walls

[caption id="attachment_27964" align="alignleft" width="300"] Layer The Walls[/caption] By Amy Wall Lerman Ages: 7+ If rats could live forever, oh the tales they would tell.  And what tales they do tell in the production of Layer the Walls at the 14th Street YMCA on Manhattan’s east side. The show opens with two rats in a ...

A Tennessee Williams Revival: “A Lovely Sunday for Creve Coeur” Theater Review by Andrea Santo Felcone

[caption id="attachment_27788" align="alignright" width="300"] Kristine Nielsen (Bodey) and Jean Lichty (Dotty). Photo Credit: Joan Marcus.[/caption] When “A Lovely Sunday for Creve Coeur” begins, Dorothea “Dotty” (Jean Lichty), a fit, aging Blanche DuBois-type, is running through her Sunday morning calisthenics. She is trying to busy herself while waiting impatiently for a phone ...

“BUMP” Theater Review by Andrea Santo Felcone

Playwright Chiara Atik’s new play “BUMP” is essentially three different stories, all intertwined in a series of vignettes, about pregnancy and childbirth. One story emphasizes our modern-day world—pregnant women chatting on an online message board—(each at the same stage of pregnancy) supporting each other; a second story is about the ...

“Babette’s Feast,” Off-Broadway Play Review by Andrea Santo Felcone

Isak Dinesen’s “Babette’s Feast”–the short story--is the basis for a new Off-Broadway play on stage now at the Theatre at St. Clement’s (423 West 46th Street). If the name of this production sounds familiar, it may be that you are one of the many who loved “Babette’s Feast” when it ...

“A Letter to Harvey Milk” Show Review by Andrea Santo Felcone

Based on Lesléa Newman’s award-winning short story collection of the same name, “A Letter to Harvey Milk”—the musical--is about Harvey Milk, (the first openly gay elected official in the history of California), but also about so much more.  Milk’s character informs the story, but only in flashback, as this story ...

“ONE NIGHT ONLY” Show/Date Night by Andrea Santo Felcone

It's "date night" and the stakes are high. You've gone through the trouble to arrange babysitting, made yourself up, and now you want a special night on the town with your special someone. Ah, but what to do? This past Saturday, my husband and I spent our date night thoroughly ...