We Survived Boston! – by Lisa Kelly

Just a quick note to let you all know that we successfully hauled our old butts and the 11 month old to the East Coast and back.  Sanity intact even!  I had nightmares about Ava throwing a fit on the plane or coming down with her 19th virus for the year but she was a trooper.  

Our flight out was at 1:50 in the morning so she slept through almost everything, including the TSA agent who said quite seriously “Please remove the infant from the carrier.”   For some reason, this cracked us both up and is now the phrase we use when take Ava from her car seat.  I had a meltdown in the parking lot at Hertz when they sent us on a hunt for a black Chevy Traverse that was actually a Jeep Liberty.  At 5AM, I could really care less about make and model.  I just want a car to take me to a bed.  I was the only one to have a fit in six days. 

We visited New Hampshire and Maine, both mountains and sea coast, before settling in for three days in Boston.  When they say Boston is a walking city, they mean it.  We spent $69 for the parking of the car that we didn’t touch the entire stay in the city.  We walked at least 7 miles every day with Ava loving life in a stroller.  There was so much to see and so many sounds that she stayed entertained and usually amused with someone in the vicinity.  Everywhere we went there was someone who was happy to meet her.  The highlight for all of us was a lady with Alzheimer’s who decided Ava was her best friend.  The two of them laughed and played in a delightful way only children can.  When we left, she thanked us for bringing her friend to the party. 

The flight home was also relatively late in the evening so after a short chat with her neighbors, she fell sound asleep again thus capping off a trip we will never forget.  If you ever get the chance to visit Boston, do so.  It’s a beautiful city and even the homeless people will welcome you with enthusiasm.