Archive for September, 2010

GUEST BLOG POST: Mommy Gets Schooled – by Maggie Lamond Simone, author, From Beer to Maternity

It was a weird kind of quiet.The kids were back at school after a long summer, and we both had the morning off. After the last bus pulled away we were faced with an almost otherworldly quiet; even the pets seemed to know it was an unusual morning and called ...

Bittersweet Summer by Robin

August was a total whirlwind of activity for our family.  We vacationed on two separate occasions...which I will share in an upcoming blog post.  And, in between, I came home sick, not to mention jet-lagged and totally overwhelmed with email and countless other to-do items.After our second trip, Seth was ...

Summer Vacation and Silver Lining … by Liimu

Ah....the honeymoon period. I am officially at the end of the 2nd trimester as I will be 13 weeks tomorrow. As a result, I have only the slightest lingering nausea and only the fatigue associated with having three small children and carrying around an extra 20 pounds. (Yep, you heard ...

School Already??? – by Cara

That was the phrase uttered by my son just the other day. I have to admit, the summer has certainly flown by. With the exception of a planned vacation, much of the summer has just whisked its way through many hot summer days.I don’t think I was able to see ...

Crazy Baby — By Laura Houston

My youngest son Wyatt is a little weird. The kids on the playground are not always sure how to handle him. The other day he walked up to a seven-year old and took his hand. The boy thought it was cute. Until Wyatt placed the kid’s arm ...

A Labor of Love — by Jamie Levine

Today, the first Monday in September, is Labor Day, which is a holiday intended to celebrate the social and economic achievements of American workers. Most of us acknowledge this day simply as a sign of summer’s end, and enjoy it as a paid day off of work. But for me, ...

CYMA CHATS with Barbara Kaplan and Carol Teplin, authors of the new book: The Unheard Voice of the Aging Parent (Conflicts and Ambivalence in Intergenerational Relationships).

Q: Your book focuses on the adult/older parent relationship and methods to heal intergenerational conflicts. However, it's interesting to note that your viewpoint is not from the adult, but rather from the elderly parent. What prompted you to write this book from this perspective?A: We found that the current literature ...

GUEST BLOG POST: Jumpstart a Healthy School Year – by Dr. Susan S. Bartell

As we transition from carefree days of summer to structured, busy weeks of the school year, it’s a great time to start a new healthy lifestyle, along with the new notebooks! As kids return to school, as parents and caring adults, we must take an active role in helping them ...

The Psychic Sister…by Liimu

OK, so I'm a week late...but only those of you who are truly following along noticed that, right? And I can blame a lot on preggo brain, you know. I fully intend to milk that side effect for all it's worth.Okay, so we didn't tell our kids we were pregnant ...

September 2010 Profile: Dr. Jenn Berman

Dr. Jenn Berman Marital Status: Married Residence: Los Angeles, CA Children: Mendez and Quincy (twin girls), four years old next month Profession: I am a licensed marriage, family and child therapist, an author, a parenting columnist, a radio host, a psychological expert on television, the owner of the clothing company Retail Therapy, and, of ...