Archive for September, 2012

The Latest on Later Motherhood by Elizabeth Gregory, author, READY

The 2012 edition of my book on the later motherhood trend, called READY: Why Women Are Embracing the New Later Motherhood (Basic Books), recently hit bookstores.   The first edition came out in December 2007—the very month the economic downturn began.  Little did we know then that the recession would directly ...

Another Trip to Urgent Care by Sharon O’Donnell

As the mom of 3 boys, I've been to the ER and Urgent Care after hours clinics more times than I can remember. Those that stand out though are: the time my oldest son Billy broke his nose on a Scout camping trip when he got hit by a log at ...

Considering Our Options by Heather Bowles

My husband said something to me last week that is weighing on me heavily tonight. He said: "If we're having another, we need to get on it." I didn't have much of a reaction to begin with, because frankly, I'm too tired to carry on long and thoughtful conversations after ...


I pride myself on doing my best to practice self care....which as a multi-tasking mom is not always the easiest thing to do. I take vitamins and exercise and get my checkups religiously, including seeing a holistic-minded MD.  He's one of my primary go-to guys in the health arena, and I ...

Adventures in Attachment Parenting: Addicted to Baby Wearing by Allison Silver

Never in my wildest dreams would I have known how much I would love wearing my baby. At one of my baby showers, two coworkers gave me a Moby-style cloth wrap to wear. One of the ladies who gave me the wrap is from Kenya and told me that in ...

Cara’s Fall Finds – Review by Cara Potapshyn Meyers

I can’t believe it’s Fall already! Although there is a subtle crispness in the air. I reviewed several “finds” that will make the transition of the seasons a little more inviting!       Nescafe' Memento     September 29th is National Coffee Day! With Fall in the air, it is a perfect time to try new ...

Bloomin’ Moms: A Later Mom Shares – By Kay McIntyre, A Grandma-Mom

I am a 52 year old mother of a 26-year-old daughter and 31-year-old son. I was a "stay at home mom" while they were growing up but was widowed 13 years ago. I needed to find a way to support us without a college degree. After my husband died, I ...

Where’s Grandpa? Explaining Death to a Child By Jennifer Hancock, Later Mom

When my son first encountered death he was three and his grandfather had just died. My husband flew up to help his mom cope with the funeral while I stayed home wondering what, if anything, to tell my son. I was afraid that he would get really upset and I ...

Seedlings: Helpful Books – By Amy Wall Lerman, Editor

We’re later moms so many of us have encountered death in some form or another. Most of us lost our grandparents a long time ago; many of us are facing, or have faced, the death of our own parents; and if you’ve been struggling to become a parent, you may ...

The Choice to Grieve: Coping with Loss – By Arleah Shechtman, M.S.W and Author

On April 13, 1978, I came home and found my fifteen-year-old daughter, Sharon, dead of a drug overdose. I know those stark words are hard to read. They are hard to write, too - nearly 35 years after her death, this arrangement of pixels on a computer screen have the ...