Archive for September, 2016

Guest Blog Post: Seven Things I Want My Mom to Know Before It’s Too Late by Janet Miller

Oftentimes, we take our loved ones for granted and simply assume they know how we feel, but I believe it’s important to tell them how we feel, in addition to us showing them how we feel. It’s nice for them to receive the verbal reminder every now and again, just ...

The future is here! Google’s self-driving car is in our neighborhood by Zoe Richmond

Here’s a list of things my toddlers will never get to do:  1.) Make a mixed tape for a girl. 2.) Leave a goofy answering machine message.  3.) Drive a car. The jury is still out on number 3. But with Google’s self-driving car testing in our neighborhood it feels like ...

Raising an Entrepreneur by Margot Machol Bisnow (Book Excerpt)

Rule 3: Don’t Worry About A’s Schools Don’t Always Nurture Entrepreneurs Some children who grow up to become entrepreneurs have habits that most schools don’t value. They question the rules and challenge authority. They want to do things their own way. They get bored and lose focus when the task at hand ...

Elizabeth Dodson

Upon graduating college, I worked in PR in New York City briefly, before returning to my home state, Texas, to marry my college sweetheart.  At 26, I was actually pretty ancient to be childless in my fellow Texans’ eyes, but I wanted to pursue my career and establish myself before ...

Cirque du Soleil: Toruk – the First Flight: Show Review by Susan Coronel

As my five-year-old daughter and I walked to our seats at Barclay’s Center on Wednesday, September 7 to see the Cirque du Soleil’s latest spectacle, Toruk - the First Flight, we felt as though we were transported to another world. Blue light blanketed the arena stage, which was transformed into ...

Guest Blog: Setting Sail for a New Family Life by Leon Schulz, author, Sabbatical at Sea, a Family Sets Sail

The following is an excerpt from Sabbatical At Sea.....   It was already May, and the step from Planning into the actual Sailing phase was only a few weeks away. Were we in chaos? That would be an understatement! We were such good planners, surely? What we thought would feel like organizing a ...

TICKET GIVEAWAY & SPECIAL OFFER: Stuffed by Lisa Lampanelli — Off Broadway — from

STUFFED by Lisa Lampanelli
 directed by Jackson Gay with additional material by Ashley Austin Morris starring Ann Harada, Zainab Jah, Lisa Lampanelli, Jessica Luck   SEPT 23 - NOV 6  Special Mommy Matinees: Wednesday, October 19 & Wednesday, November 2 at 12 Noon. BUY NOW  USE CODE “STUFFEDVIP” AND SAVE 20%! REGULAR TICKETS STARTING $45 - $55 A bulimic, a compulsive eater, a confident overweight gal, ...

Guest Blog: Not Inconsequential by Amy McCready, author, The Me, Me, Me Epidemic: A Step-by-Step Guide to Raising Capable, Grateful Kids in an Over-Entitled World

Consequences are the steamed broccoli of the parenting world. We may initially love the idea of our kids’ learning valuable lessons from their mistakes and beginning to step up to their responsibilities. But when it comes to serving them up every day, consequences can be hard to choke down. What actually ...

Special Self-Care Finds from Two Caring Entrepreneurs by Robin Gorman Newman

These two companies put their health knowledge into their products, and in the process are helping others.  I'm a fan of their offerings, and wanted to share. Synchronology is a skin care line developed to target the lower levels of the dermis, where cell regeneration takes place, for a holistic treatment ...