Archive for August, 2017

Guest Post: A Silent Rebuke by Sandra Butler, co-author with Nan Gefen, It Never Ends: Mothering Middle-Aged Daughters

Whenever my mother came to visit during the early years of my own mothering, I allowed my two young daughters to make messes. I encouraged them to express both their disagreements and their often disagreeable thoughts. Raising daughters who knew how they felt and had the confidence to speak up for what they thought was right and fair was a value I held, one emerging from my own longing and inability as a child to express my feelings ...

Mary Matoula Webb

Goal Setting for a Child with ADHD by Dr. Sarah Cheyette, MD (Book Excerpt)

*Adapted from ADHD & The Focused Mind © 2016 by Sarah Cheyette, MD, Peter Johnson, and Ben Cheyette, MD, PhD. Square One Publishers, Inc. Used by permission. STRATEGY #5: DITCH THE GOAL OR CHANGE THE PLAN Failing to achieve a goal that your child had previously set is also an opportunity for ...

Weeping in the Playground by Pamela Francis

I was standing in the middle of the playground weeping. Not because I got hurt – although with the weird new thing happening with my hip when I walk, and the awkward way I’ve been ascending the stairs at home and at work, and the crazy phenomenon whereby I can no ...

Back to School Preps Compiled – By Melissa Swedoski

Here are some tips to make the back to school transition easier: 1. Adjust to the new routine -Ease into the school-year schedule. Getting back into the school routine can be a challenge for everyone in the family. To make the adjustment easier, start early. -A few weeks before school starts, move bedtime ...

Finding My Way … by Andrea Santo Felcone

Here’s a little known fact. I was supposed to be “Queen of the Corn Maze.” Or maybe my rightful title was going to be, “First Lady of the Corn Maze”? Or “Maid of the Maize Maze”? I’m not sure. My children were supposed to be heirs to a Corn Maze ...

Nip Bad Behavior in the Bud (Book Excerpt from IGNORE IT!) by Catherine Pearlman

The Preemptive Strike Sometimes parents don’t feel they have the time or energy to do Ignore it!. They try to forestall it—but not in a helpful way. Every few seconds, Mom or Dad might say, “You better stop that or I’ll [fill in the punishment].” The problem with this is twofold. ...

“KIDNAP” Movie Review (and Moms Night Out) by Andrea Santo Felcone

[caption id="attachment_25663" align="alignright" width="300"] Halle Berry, New York City's "KIDNAP" advanced screening[/caption] It had been one of those days, so I was really looking forward to the "KIDNAP" movie advanced screening--graciously set up for me, by Motherhood Later. Normally, I wouldn't go to a kidnapping movie. It's really the last place ...

Where Everybody Knows Your Name by Mary Matoula Webb

I was a painfully shy kid. To the point that elementary school teachers would always bring it up at parent-teacher conferences, "She's so bright but she never speaks in class."  I eventually lost the "painfully" part and, as thousands of other shy kids have done, mastered the introvert-defying tricks to ...