Archive for the ‘Film & Entertainment’ Category

“Pooling to Paradise” Indie Film, Review by Andrea Santo Felcone

What happens when an uptight Mommy Blogger, a heartbroken Talent Scout, and a struggling Actress all share a ride to Paradise, Nevada? Don’t answer before knowing that the driver of this ride is a self-proclaimed “Shaman”, a hipster, and a recreational drug enthusiast. Well, perhaps surprisingly, not much, at least ...

“Fully Realized Humans” Film Review by Andrea Santo Felcone

[caption id="attachment_31157" align="alignright" width="300"] Jess Weixler (Jackie), Joshua Leonard (Elliot) in Fully Realized Humans (c) Gravitas Ventures[/caption] There may never be ‘the perfect time’ to have a baby. I will always remember sitting with a co-worker explaining that my husband and I ‘weren’t ready yet’ to have children, when she pointed ...

SOUL: a review by Ali Skylar

I may be in the minority but I’m not sure I really liked SOUL - as much as I wanted to! I LOVED the realistic depiction of Manhattan and the characters. I LOVED that the subject matter was about pre-life, life and death. I LOVED Jamie Foxx and Tina Fey. But they kinda of ...

The Prom: A Review In A Play! By Ali Skylar

CHARACTERS:  Amelia and Jake, a middle-aged couple from NY and NJ.  SETTING:  In their bedroom, getting ready for bed after watching THE PROM on netflix.   JAKE: Hon, so what did you think? AMELIA:  Much better than I expected!  And compiling notes in my head now to share with you…:) JAKE:  You know, I liked ...

Ted Lasso To The Family Rescue! by Ali Skylar

My kids are about 7 years apart. My daughter, Lexi, now 28, is the big sister. My son, Chaz, is 21 years old and the younger bro. When they were young, it kinda sucked when it came to planning family vacations, or trying to find a game we could all play ...

“Feathers of Fire–The Movie,” Shadow Theater On Film, A Review by Andrea Santo Felcone

Perhaps you have already streamed everything on your movie ‘wish-list’ and are finding drive-in movie tickets hard to come by? (As they sell out at lightning speed.) This scramble for entertainment will most likely be a common thread this summer, but there is some good news. There are talented companies ...

“Hidden Orchard Mysteries: The Case of the Air B&B Robbery” Film Review by Andrea Santo Felcone

The opportunity entertainment provides, to get lost in another environment, if only for a little while, can be a very important way to cope in these extremely trying times. Any joy seems like something to grasp and hold onto, now, more than ever. However, with live theater on hold, I ...

Mary Poppins Sing Along: Review by Lainie Gutterman

My son saw Mary Poppins Returns twice over the holidays.  So, when I was offered tickets to Mary Poppins Sing-Along at Schimmel Center, I immediately said “yes” even though we had to rearrange our jam-packed weekend schedule to fit it in. An hour prior to the movie, there were pre-show activities ...

“KIDNAP” Movie Review (and Moms Night Out) by Andrea Santo Felcone

[caption id="attachment_25663" align="alignright" width="300"] Halle Berry, New York City's "KIDNAP" advanced screening[/caption] It had been one of those days, so I was really looking forward to the "KIDNAP" movie advanced screening--graciously set up for me, by Motherhood Later. Normally, I wouldn't go to a kidnapping movie. It's really the last place ...

Chatting with Lisa Ebersole, Creator/Star, 37 PROBLEMS: A NEW COMEDY SERIES ABOUT FERTILITY AND GROWING UP by Robin Gorman Newman

What was the motivation for creating your web series?  A couple years ago, two of my friends froze their eggs.  One had a very successful experience and the other found out she was nearly infertile.  I was in grad school at the time and babies were not on my radar, ...