Archive for March, 2019

The Adornment of Maternal Attire by Nancy Carolyn Kwant

You first became a part of my wardrobe when my structure stretched to accommodate your growing body. I would shop at thrift stores for larger shirts and skirts not having the money to waste on a growth spurt that would only last for a couple of weeks. I remember starting with one ...

No Place Like Home by Sharon O’Donnell

My husband and I have lived in the same house for 29 years now. We almost moved to a bigger house outside the city limits back in 1998 but decided against it. I even wrote an article about this housing decision for one of my regular columns for our local ...

“Chick Flick: The Musical” Show Review by Andrea Santo Felcone

Last Saturday, I grabbed a friend and we headed over to the lovely Westside Theatre, to see the Off-Broadway production of “Chick Flick: The Musical”. A show--you guessed it--about those well-known romantic, often funny, sometimes sappy, cinematic gems. Those movies that have helped many of us regroup from a bad ...

ACTUALLY, WE’RE F**KED: Show Review by Robin Gorman Newman

ACTUALLY, WE’RE F**KED, a new play by Matt Williams, is receiving its world-premiere production at Cherry Lane Theatre. From defecation to periods to circumcision to religion....the show opens with a steady stream of highly opinionated millennial banter as two 30-something couples gather to eat, drink...and not quite be merry.  The world ...

Keeping Your Family Lice Free (Sponsored Post)

Nothing makes a parent's skin crawl faster than hearing the dreaded L-word: lice. Head lice cases are on the rise in New York City. Parents are reporting their kids having lice two or more times per year compared to never getting lice in previous years. Lice are highly contagious. Head-to-head contact with ...

The Formula: Unlocking the Secrets to Raising Highly Successful Children by Ronald F. Ferguson and Tatsha Robertson (Book Excerpt)

The Navigational Voice in their Head When he turned five, Sangu began a strange nightly ritual based on something his mother would tell him: “Before you say your bedtime prayers, I want you to go and look in the mirror in the bathroom, and ask yourself: ‘What have I accomplished today? ...

FIERCELY INDEPENDENT: Show Review by Jamie Levine

As a recently engaged single mom, I have no personal experience with a broken marriage that both parties are completely uncertain about how to repair. But I do know how distracting cell phones, computers, and the overwhelming presence of modern technology can be when it comes to trying to communicate ...