Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

The ABCs of Being Mom by Karen Bongiorno (Book Excerpt)

It takes strength and stamina to be a mother. It is a continuing journey, and you need to pace yourself. Eat healthy foods, get sufficient rest, take time to relax and unwind. It’s a big challenge to take care of both yourself and your child, so you need to maintain ...

Overcoming the Mom-Life Crisis: Ditch the Guilt by Nina Restieri (Book Excerpt)

Excerpted from Overcoming the Mom-Life Crisis: Ditch the Guilt, Put Yourself on the To-Do List, and Create A life You Love by Nina Restieri, courtesy of Post Hill Press.   Chapter 11: Secret Weapons All there is to do, right at this very moment, is to breathe in, breathe out, and kiss the ...

7 Tips For Parenting Adult Children – by Ali Skylar

As my kids hit their twenties, there was at first a big sigh of relief.  Okay, now it’s going to get easier.  Uh...I don’t think so! The hardest part?  Well, you don’t realize it until it happens, but it’s the "letting go" part.  All of those times you were exhausted, fried ...

Postpartum Hair Loss & Regrowth Strategies for Moms

If you are a new mom dealing with postpartum hair loss and you’re looking for solutions -- this article is for you. Many new mothers experience the shock of postpartum hair loss around three months after giving birth. Sometimes hair can fall out in clumps, and while not uncommon, it can ...

In Search of the Stork: Over 40 & Trying to Conceive by Dr. Robert Kiltz, Author, The Fertile Feast

I’m often asked, “Can you have grey hair and still get pregnant?” I’m happy to say that despite all of the grim statistics doctors and researchers like to throw your way, it’s still possible to get pregnant at 40 and beyond. It might take longer for it to happen, and ...

Do Parents Need To Build Confidence In Their Kids? by Maureen Eich VanWalleghan

Today, I am truly inspired after having a conversation that included me expressing my desire to build confidence in my daughter. The conversation was with a person who is helping to facilitate some of my daughter's education. The comment that came back was something like "confidence is overrated." It was ...

Teaching Kids to Buy Stocks: Interview with Author J.J. Wenrich by Melissa Couch Salim

Why were you passionate about writing a book on this topic?  So many reasons!! First off, I was fortunate to have teachers growing up that taught us about the basics of the stock market, and a little personal finance as well. I am very grateful for the exposure to these topics, ...

Parenting a Teen with Special Needs: A Q&A with Adam J. Holstein, Psychoanalyst/Behavior Therapist: Interview by Melissa Couch Salim

In your work, you support children diagnosed with developmental disabilities and offer parent training.  Can you share what the most common challenges have been, and what has been the most prevalent concern from parents? The most common challenge for parents who contact me is how to parent their child who ...

Meet Melissa Bernstein of Melissa & Doug and Author, LifeLines

Q&A With Melissa Bernstein From the outside, your life looks perfect: you started a business from scratch, used your creativity to design toys, and made hundreds of millions of dollars doing it. You’ve been married for 28 years, have 6 kids, 2 dogs, a cat, a beautiful house. Did the fear ...

Meet Chris Parsons, author, A Little Spark: Interview by Melissa Couch Salim

What a beautiful, pure and ideal story. Don’t we all want to live in Lake Zuron..that is before “LIFE” takes over?! What inspired the story? I have always liked stories where the underdog or the unlikely hero steps up and saves the day. We all cheer for the unlikely hero ...