Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

Is Your Teen Ready for Adulthood by Witty Ryter, author, Grown-Up Stuff Explained

The goal of every parent is to see their child grow up to be a self-sufficient, confident, and productive member of society. From the time they are born, we nurture our kids and give them everything we can to help them thrive. We try to fill their minds with positive ...

Interview with Darby Fox, Author, Rethinking Your Teenager: by Robin Gorman Newman, founder,

In your book, you discuss the concept of “who” you want your teen to be vs. “what”.  Can you elaborate? In my book, I discuss trying to focus on raising your children with the concept of “who “ they want to become vs. “ what” you want them to be ...

Jetti Poles & City Bonfires: Innovative Products I Recommend by Robin Gorman Newman

Periodically I like to blog about cool items that catch up eye. Here's a couple of my latest innovative and fun discoveries. [caption id="attachment_31728" align="alignleft" width="300"] (Photo supplied by Jetti Poles)[/caption] Since the Pandemic, I have not felt comfortable working out at a gym, and I'm not always the best at staying consistently ...

Miserable Mom – The Do’s and Don’ts of Sending Your Kid to College by Sharon L. Brecher (Book Excerpt)

Ch.1 - How it All Began  Sending your child off to college is really hard - kind of like chopping off an arm and sending it to live somewhere else. But let's be real. It's not death or disease or world hunger. It's worse! I'm kidding. Well, I am now that ...

How to Prepare Your Child for Daycare

Most children go to daycare before school officially starts, and it can be a big transition for both kids and parents. To help your child adjust to this new milestone, we’ve rounded up eight of our best tips to help the entire family make the transition to daycare together. [caption id="attachment_31721" ...

Educational Ways Moms Can Bond with Their Kids

Raising kids is an adventure.  And it’s not fruitful to raise them like a checklist we need to perfect.  Sometimes, the best way to parent responsible, intelligent, and family-oriented children is to give them the bonding time they need — and all the better if we bond educationally!  Consider the ...

Importance of Art on the Mental Health of Children by Joseph Stevenson

The mental health of children has unfortunately worsened by 22% in the past couple of years. With numerous stressors on the news and at school and home, our kids would greatly benefit from mental health support. And one of the most beneficial forms of mental healing can be found through creating art. Keep reading to discover the importance of art ...

How Moms Can Balance Physical and Mental Stress with Adaptogenic Mushrooms

Motherhood is often stressful, no matter where you are on the journey. Moms carry the weight of daily to-do lists and finding time to relax doesn’t always come easy. Although moms are notorious for handling the stress of raising kids like rockstars, it never hurts to find something that helps ...

The Reinvention of Mama by Author & Later Mom Deena Goldstein

At various times in our lives, we’re defined by what we want and what we’re doing. In our twenties, we may have our eyes on a diploma, an apartment, and a good paying job. Fast forward to the thirties (and it does go fast!), women find themselves settling into “who we ...

AGEISM UNMASKED: An Interview with Author Tracey Gendron, PhD by Melissa Couch Salim  

When did you discover ageism and become passionate about it?  I have been studying aging for over 25 years, but it was only about 10 years ago that I recognized just how invisible and pervasive ageism is. While giving a talk, I related that I became a gerontologist because I ...